
Let’s Have Coffee | March 2024

Hey friends, I’m excited to sit down and have coffee with you again this month. I actually started this post for a February coffee date and then never got around to finishing it so this is a little of what we’ve been up to the past two months. 🙂

If we met for coffee, I would ask how the beginning of the year has gone for you? I feel like our January is always full because we have my oldest son’s birthday, Tommy’s birthday, and my birthday all together. We kept Shane’s birthday smaller this year because it was Tommy’s 30th birthday this year. I had a lot of fun planning for this birthday because I knew I wanted to try to make it a bigger deal since he did turn 30. I was able to buy him this special kind of motorcycle that he’s been wanting and it was so much fun to surprise him. He also took me to a Nate Bargatze show for my birthday and it was so much fun. I highly suggest going on Netflix or Amazon and finding one of this shows and watching. He’s hilarious. So January was super full but also super fun 🙂

If we met for coffee, I would ask how you and your family is doing? I feel like some years are better health wise than others. Most winters in the past (besides when we were quarantined because of Covid) we have been hit pretty brutally, but surprisingly this year has been decently mild. Unfortunately though we just got over the stomach bug, which is always the worst illness to have. Thankfully I never actually threw up but still felt really sick for about 24 hours and wasn’t really able to eat much that day. I’m thankful we are all feeling better now but now I’m dealing with low milk supply issues from not being able to eat, which has been such a bummer. It’s actually bringing up a lot of the feelings I had with Shane so that’s been really though but I’m hoping things will turn around. I am trying to accept that we made it to 18 months though so I should be happy for that. 🙂

If we met for coffee, I’d likely share that I’m super excited that the weather is turning around. The winters are long and cold and I’m always very thankful when the weather warms back up. This week it’s supposed to be in the upper 60s which is going to be so nice. How is the weather where you are?

If we met for coffee, I’d most likely ask you how you deal with the topic of living a natural life. I would describe myself as someone who tries to choose more natural options when possible but our finances hold us back pretty decently. I have learned to be totally okay with this because I realize that living too much out of fear is not healthy for me so it forces me to have to lean on God and trust that he will keep us healthy. But I do have some friends who are very naturally minded and it sometimes causes me to feel guilty that we don’t do more and also causes me to fear a bit more because I’m just thinking about it more because I’m around it more. Do you ever feel this struggles at all? If you do how do you cope with them?

Thanks for joining me for coffee friend. See you next month 🙂