
Let’s Have Coffee | April 2024

Happy April, friends! Life has been so busy lately that I did not even realize that we passed the first Wednesday of the month 😅.

If we met for coffee, I would ask how you’ve been? Are you enjoying the weather changing where you are? We are supposed to have a really nice week of weather coming up. It’s even going to be 70 degrees one day and I’m so excited. I have been daydreaming about a few months from now when it’s summer and we can wear shorts again and enjoy the sun at the beach. I am so ready for some sunshine. 😎

If we met for coffee, I would ask how do you deal with the addiction of social media? I have tried taking breaks from it, and that does help but it always feels addicting as soon as I am back on. Do you have any set limits for each day or rules that you follow around it? I am considering trying to set limits again but it’s just so hard to stick to them sometimes.

If we met for coffee, I would share that I have been brainstorming homeschooling curriculum for next year. I can’t believe that this school year is getting close to being done! How will I have a first grader and a preschooler next year?? It just goes by so fast. I feel like I was just starting school with Shane yesterday and pretty soon I am going to be doing the same curriculum I did with Shane with Riley! I can’t believe Riley is going to be four already! Where does the time go?

If we met for coffee, I would also share that Tommy and I had a long talk this morning about making some time for me to work from home more regularly. I have had my Youtube channel for about a year or so now and I sort of see that as work because I am hoping to make money from it in the future. But I have more recently been researching and learning about bookkeeping because I have been doing the books for Tommy’s business for a few months now. I am hoping to possibly turn that into a small business in the future potentially too. I’m super excited to spend more dedicated time seeking to bring in money from home. It’s been a dream of mine to be able to bring in a side income for my family. Hopefully things will work out in the future.

If we met for coffee, I’d ask how/when do you decide that you were/are done having children? It’s also a big topic lately for Tommy and I. It’s so hard to know if you are truly done. We’ve been praying about it for a while now so it will be interesting to see how God leads our family in this area.

Thanks for joining me for another coffee date friend. I’m hoping to get back to doing these more regularly and hopefully sharing some more things in between as well. 😊