
Shane’s 3rd Birthday

I cannot believe we have a three year old!! Time just flies by way too fast for me. I seriously wish I could slow it down. It breaks my heart most days lol. But on the other side of it, it is so much fun to watch our babies grow and learn and experience new things.

Today I wanted to recap Shane’s third birthday since I have written a post for both his first (here) and second (here)!

We started the day (like last year) with donuts! Shane loves all things sweet so he was very excited as you can see ha!

Next we did presents, which one of them was a sort of tease for an activity we were planning on doing later in the day: a trampoline!

He also got that Gigantosaurus toy, a Paw Patrol gift, and a Spiderman book as well. We decided to put a little more money into the gifts this year because we didn’t do a bigger party with him because of the pandemic. Next year were hoping to go all out to celebrate!

We also made cake together, which Shane just loved. He loves cake and he also loves to bake so his little heart was very happy!

my sweet boy ❤️

He took his usual afternoon nap and I got to snap this adorable picture of him before we woke him up to go to….

a “trampoline house” as he was calling it all day. 🤣

We decided this year that we are going to try to do a new experience with him on his birthday each year. Last year we went to the movies with him for the first time so this year we followed the theme and brought him to a trampoline park.

It was a lot of fun! And Riley was with us too of course!

Just napping away… 😍

Later we came home and ate chicken soup (Shane’s favorite), sang Happy Birthday, and enjoyed some yummy birthday cake!

It was a really special day celebrating our sweet boy! I can’t believe he’s three!!