Coffee Dates,  Life

Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 20

Hey friends! Loooong time, no talk. Sometimes when I’ve been gone this long without blogging, I just keep putting off writing a post for even longer because I feel like there’s too much to write about and I just don’t know where to start!

But I’ve really missed this space so I’ve decided to just jump back in with a coffee date so we can catch up with each other. 🙂

If we were having coffee, I would first want to know how you are?! We haven’t met for a coffee date since March (!), so I’d want to know all of the things that are going on with you now.

If we were having coffee, I would share that Riley will be 5 months old in three days and Shane will be three years old in a month! They grow up way too fast! I am really enjoying this season with them so much though. I can’t believe how much Shane can understand and do now. I can’t wait to bake Christmas cookies with him soon. It’s going to be so much fun. We are also really enjoying having a baby in the house again. This time around has gone so much smoother, which means that we can fully enjoy the season of having a baby.

If we were having coffee, I’d share that our Etsy shop has been doing really well lately and it’s been really fun to have that as a little side business to help with finances. Actually, speaking of finances I would also share that I started following Marissa’s Youtube channel this year and she has really inspired me take more control of our finances. I’m thinking about sharing more about this on the blog because it’s been really awesome and I’d love to share what I’ve learned.

If we were having coffee, I would share that I’m feeling really excited to start blogging more often and have made an Instagram account specific to my blog. If you want to follow me over there you can click here or my name there is ashleyzinblog. I’m hoping to share more about our days over there soon.

If we were having coffee, I would ask how you are feeling about Christmas this year. This year has been so odd and especially hard but I’m super excited for our first Christmas as a family of four. I’m just about done Christmas shopping too and I can’t wait to get everything in the mail and start wrapping presents!

Thanks for spending some time with me and catching up!