Coffee Dates

Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 18

If we were having coffee, I would ask what your regular go to breakfast is. Over the past month or so Tommy and I have gotten really serious about our budget. One way we have committed to saving money was to stop buying so many options for breakfast, especially to stop buying cereal. Now we usually have either eggs or oatmeal and it’s helped our budget a ton but it also makes us feel a lot better to have a complete breakfast rather than some sugary cereal. I love hearing the mundane details of other people’s lives so I’m curious to hear what you eat for breakfast.

If we were having coffee, I would probably end up talking about how it’s been so cloudy and rainy lately. I have been trying to make the best of this winter and honestly it has been a good winter especially since it has been such a warm winter here. But it’s so hard to stay motivated on days where it’s so cloudy or rainy. All I want to do is nap, haha! I’m so excited for warmer weather and being able to spend time outside again!

If we were having coffee, I would mention that we find out in two weeks if baby is a boy or girl! I honestly can’t believe it’s so soon already! This pregnancy is flying by!! We’re going to have a baby in this house again before we know it! We have so much to do to get ready. Oh and since we were already talking about babies, I would likely mention that my sister-in-law is pregnant too! She’s due just one month after me! So much excitement!

If we were having coffee, I would share that I have been having so much fun blogging more regularly. I’m not sure I have ever blogged this regularly before. Once I stopped putting pressure on myself to grow more quickly and stopped comparing myself to other bloggers it really became fun. Have you ever struggled with any of that? It’s paralyzed me for far too long and I’m so glad I was able to come to a place of just writing for me (and to connect with you too!).

If we were having coffee, I would ask if you have any fun plans for Valentine’s Day or for the rest of the month. We don’t really do anything for Valentine’s Day but I’d love to hear what you have planned.

If we were having coffee, if you are a stay-at-home mom I would ask if you were involved in any type of playgroup or MOPS or anything like that. I feel like I really should get involved with other moms and have more of a community, but I am very shy and it feels very intimidating to join something like that. Please tell me it’ll be worth it, lol!

If we were having coffee, I would ask for prayers for discernment for my husband and I. We both have dreams of working from home but it takes a lot of work and time to build something like that. I’m excited for our future though. But we could use all the prayers we could get in this area. I’d also ask how I can be praying for you. I want to start a prayer journal and really focus more on praying for others.

Linking up with LecyJoin us every second Tuesday for a coffee date!