Coffee Dates,  Etsy,  Life

Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 15

If we were having coffee, I’d probably be drinking this kind because I’ve been obsessed with Starbucks lately. I used to really like the Veranda blend but I find that it’s not strong enough for me anymore.

If we were having coffee, I’d share that working on my Etsy shop with my husband has been so much fun and super rewarding. We are slowly adding products and even have a few collabs set up with other bloggers, which I am super excited about!

If we were having coffee, I’d let you know that I am still waking up before my son (on most days) and it is still really awesome. I’ve been going through the She Reads Truth bible studies ever since their advent study last year and I’ve been really enjoying them. Have you ever done a She Reads Truth study?

If we were having coffee, I’d give you an update on how some of my goals are coming along. This past month I’ve been doing a 30 day social media detox and it has been super life-giving. I will probably try to get a post up about that after it ends on March 6th. I’d also share that I have been slowly purging and organizing our house. I went through all of our clothes and gave away SO many. I now have next to nothing, which I actually really enjoy. It makes getting dressed much easier!

If we were having coffee, I’d share that I am contemplating continuing on with Shane’s monthly updates. I know I want to continue taking his picture every month until he’s two. They are so fun to look back on and see how much he’s grown. I just also never really want to write those posts (although I would love to have them to look back on too) because it’s so hard for me to remember haha. What do you think? Keep going or maybe change to every three months?

If we were having coffee, I’d ask what you were reading lately. I’ve been reading a bit more than normal but I have a hard time getting into a book. It’s always a lot easier when someone tells me it’s a great book before I start. 😉 I recently read All the Little Lights. I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars.

And lastly, if we were having coffee, I’d of course want to know what is going on with you. What have you been up to??