
Let’s Have Coffee | February 2023

Hey friends! I’m so excited for this linkup 🙂. My friend Bella from Over the Teacups and I are starting this little coffee date linkup where we can meet together once a month on the first Wednesday of every month. I’ve always loved these virtual coffee dates and am so excited to start sharing them again!

If we met for coffee, I would of course ask how you were doing! It’s been too long since we met for a coffee date and would want to know all of the things going on with you. How is this season treating you? I would likely mention the weather and how grateful I am for this unusually warm winter we are having. It has been so life giving in a season where I am usually just trudging through. The boys have even been able to get outside and get their energy out and for that I am super thankful! Everyone in the house is happier when they are able to get outside! 😉

If we met for coffee, I would share about how I took all of January off of Instagram. I would explain how I have separated my Instagram accounts to have a personal Instagram and an Instagram for my blog and how I have all of my “real-life” people who I actually know on my personal Instagram and “influencers” or online friends on my blogging Instagram and this past month have taken a break from my blogging Instagram. I would share how amazing and life-giving it was. You never really understand just how much social media is affecting you until you take an extended break from it. It’s always shocking to me how different I feel after a few weeks off social media.

If we met for coffee, I would share that the time I would have been on Instagram was replaced with reading books on my phone. I’d share how I read 5 (!!!) books in January and how much fun it was to spend my time doing that instead of mindlessly scrolling. I’m excited about this change because I feel like it’s going to stick and help me continue to spend less time on social media once I “allow” myself to go back on it.

If we met for coffee, I would probably share about how we became members of our church in December! I know I’ve shared a little bit on here in the past but we switched churches a little over a year ago now and it was such a good decision for us. The church we switched to is much smaller and a lot more family focused and I’m really excited about getting to know the people there more as we are now officially members! 🙂

If we met for coffee, I would share about how Melly is almost five months old and I’m not sure how that happened! She is the sweetest, most fun addition to our family but I am not sure how it has already been five months since she arrived. I am loving having another girl in the house, much more than I realized I would. I keep day-dreaming about what life will look like when she’s older and I get to teach her things about being a wife and mom. I can’t believe that I get to be her mama, I’m so grateful!

If we met for coffee, I’d also likely mention that I used some Christmas money to get some new fun home decor (as mentioned here), and I also rearranged some things in our house and those two changes have been really refreshing. Have you noticed how sometimes it’s hard to make the decision to get rid of something or change something in the house but once you do you feel so refreshed? It seems silly but it really is something small that has been bringing our whole house some extra joy.

Thanks for joining me for this little coffee date! Don’t forget to linkup below if you want to join or at the very least leave a comment below and share about what’s new with you! ☺️

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