Day In The Life

Day In The Life: February 10, 2020

Hi friends. I documented another random day in our lives last week and wanted to share. This one is pretty similar to last months. I want to start branching out and documenting a day when we aren’t just doing things around the house but I’m really worried I’ll forget to take pictures, haha. Maybe I’ll try next month? We shall see. I’m still planning on doing these once a month.

7:00 am: I’m pretty sure this day I let myself sleep in a bit due to either going to bed too late or not getting great sleep. I have been struggling with getting comfortable lately and also with pregnancy insomnia so it’s been… fun. Occasionally I will sleep in to combat that. I laid in bed for a bit and then got up to do my bible study and have some coffee, but ended up wasting time on my computer doing who knows what until 8. 🙄

8:00 am: When Shane woke up. I put on some TV for him. He’s been really into Beat Bugs on Netflix, which is super cute. I finally make some coffee and sit down to do my bible study. (Btw I’ve been reading the She Reads Truth bible studies since last January and I seriously love them.) I also gave Shane a protein shake and some blueberries to snack on while he watches his show.

9:00 am: After reading my bible study and drinking my coffee I did a little bit of house hunting. Occasionally Tommy and I will look at houses closer to the beach to see if it will at all be possible to eventually move there. We aren’t planning on moving any time soon though!

9:15 am: I make breakfast for myself and Shane. I made waffles for Shane and a bacon, egg, and cheese on an everything bagel for me. He seemed more interested in my breakfast than his though of course.

10:00 am: I’m feeling still pretty tired and overwhelmed and stressed about little things that seem to be adding up today so I decided to start cleaning up the house because that always makes me feel better. Here are some before and afters.

12:00 pm: I cleaned for about two hours and got to do the dishes from the morning, vacuum, and folded some laundry. I also read to Shane a bit and got us both dressed.

I then made us both lunch. (Does the mess ever end? No, no it does not, lol.) I made chicken nuggets, cheese sticks, and toast for Shane and a frozen meal for myself. After lunch I put Shane down for a nap.

1:00 pm: This is where I usually fall off the picture bangwagon. Tommy came home and we talked for a long time about our days and just some life changes we were thinking about making.

3:00 pm: Told you guys I was tired, haha I took an hour and a half nap at 3! This is very rare but happens more often while pregnant. I felt so much better once I slept.

4:30 pm: Shane woke up from his nap. I gave him some milk and let him watch one episode of his favorite horse show. (Spirit on Netflix).

5:15 pm: Tommy read to Shane while I did some budgeting. Then Tommy ran to the food store to pick up a few things we needed for the week and dinner that night.

5:50 pm: While Tommy was gone, I played “tracks” aka trains with Shaney. Then he asked me to read to him again. Boy does this kid love to read!

6:20 pm: Tommy starts cooking dinner and is playing with Shane while it cooks. Shane likes to go up to Tommy and hold up his fists and says, “fight, fight”, which means he wants Tommy to wrestle/chase him. It’s the cutest thing ever. While they’re playing I decide to read a little bit of a book because I’m tired of wasting time on social media.

6:30 pm: We sit down to eat dinner together. On this night we had hot dogs and french fries. #superhealthy! We try to bribe Shane to eat a bit of his hot dog. It takes forever but he finally eats two pretty big bites so we call that a win!

7:00 pm: We go back into the living room to hang out before bed. Shane wants to read yet again lol so Tommy reads to him again while I read my book.

7:20 pm: Tommy heads outside to work on Etsy for a few minutes. He cuts the wood for some orders we have for these kitchen organizers.

7:45 pm: Tommy comes back inside and we start Shane’s bedtime routine. Tommy puts him in his pajamas, I read him a book while he drinks his milk, Tommy brushes his teeth, and then I put him to bed.

8:00 pm: We clean up the house: Tommy does the dishes, I clean up the rest of the rooms.

8:30 pm: We have a cookie and some milk while watching the show, I Am A Murder on Netflix. Holy cow that show was good but so intense. They interview people in jail who have killed someone and they tell stories of why they did it. So creepy but interesting.

9:45 pm: I take my prenatal vitamins, read one more chapter in my book since I’m not that tired from my long nap and then get ready for bed.

10:30 pm: Ready for some sleep!