Faith,  Life

Currently, January 2019

c h o o s i n g

To let God fill in the gaps. I am such a level 10 perfectionist and hate relying on others so I try to do everything myself and I try to do it all perfectly. God’s really showing me how much I can’t do on my own or perfectly and how I need to trust that he will take care of what I can’t.

t i d y i n g

All of the things. Honestly though. I have been purging all of the things from our house. It was completely unplanned too. One day when I was dusting I just started throwing everything out. Our house feels so much better because of it too. I can’t wait to finish the rest of the house I haven’t gotten to yet.

e x p l o r i n g

Currently exploring all of the party isles of all of the stores. Shane’s first birthday and party is on Saturday (!!!) and I am currently in preparation mode, buying all of the party supplies.

r e s o l v i n g

To waking up before my son each morning. I did it this morning and it is so life giving. There’s just something about waking up and collecting yourself before tending to the needs of a baby. I’m going to be trying to do this every day.

r e f r e s h i n g

Our home. While I was tidying up and purging I also moved some furniture around and our house feels so refreshed because of it. I love moving things around every little while. It makes it feel like you’re living in a whole new space.