• Faith,  Life,  Marriage

    Christmas Home Tour!

    I’m a day late to this linkup party, (no surprise there), but that doesn’t make me any less excited for it! I’m so excited to show you guys our Christmas decorations! I have always loved decorating for Christmas. As a little girl I used to bother my mom all the time to start decorating. I just the different feel of the house with all of the Christmas decor out.

    This year, as I’m sure a lot of you know, Tommy and I got to decorate our apartment for the first time as a married couple, so it was extra fun. We also got to pick out our own Christmas decorations (seeing as we had none before).


    I love how wintery the mat and wreath give our doorstep.


    This is the sight you see right when you walk in. We had extra Christmas balls and I just love how they look in the center of the coffee table with the pinecones.


    This is the picture I shared in my post about our Christmas traditions on Tuesday. I just love our tree. We only have a few “real” ornaments but it’s been fun getting to build our collection. A lot of them are very special already as they say “Our First Christmas”, or represent who we are as a couple, such as shells because we love the beach.


    I also love that little tree and snowman – I think they make that whole bookshelf.


    This tablecloth to me is so festive and screams Christmas and winter.


    And our new TV stand all dressed up for Christmas is just perfect. 🙂


    Of course the apartment wouldn’t be complete without baby Jesus. 🙂


    And an up close picture of my favorite Christmas decoration we bought so far. This little truck has so much character. I bought most of the decor at my favorite place in the world, Target, and it wasn’t really all that expensive either.

    Tonight I am linking up with Victoria and Sarah for It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year linkup! Come join us!🙂


  • Faith

    Your Hearts Desire

    Hi guys. It’s been a while since I’ve written a real blog post. I didn’t keep up with my goal to blog once a week. Once I blow it one week I get discouraged and don’t have the motivation to keep trying. But our weekend getaway was a really nice and relaxing time. I can hardly believe it’s December already.

    But I want to talk to you guys about something that hit me very hard today. Something that is weighing heavily on my heart tonight. Something that I think is at the root of my hardest struggle right now. I wrote about how God had freed me from health anxiety maybe a month ago. And while I believe that He did, it hasn’t been just an easy hike since then. I confess that I’m still struggling a bit with it and mostly with anxiety that something bad will happen to either me or someone in my family. Something that has been helping though is looking back on what God has done in my life and remembering how far He has brought me. It reminds me that He is good DESPITE my fears.

    But part of the problem (and the root to probably all of our problems I think) is that I am not desiring God above all else. A girl I follow on Instagram wrote a very convicting post today about our hearts desire. What is your hearts desire right now? Is it a closer relationship with God? Or like me is it a problem-free life? Or maybe your own comfort? A relationship? Or maybe a job that you are good at and enjoy? When I read this post I was convicted because if I’m honest most days I don’t desire God above all else. Sure I do desire God but I wouldn’t say that His relationship is my first desire. It usually is just because I feel guilty if it’s not. And then I’m operating out of guilt and not love and God definitely doesn’t want any of that.

    But what would our lives look like if He really was our first and most important desire? And how do we get there, if we can honestly look at our life and see that this isn’t how we are living now? I think we would live anxiety-free lives that we really enjoyed because we would be able to enjoy every moment rather than being afraid that it was going to be taken from us.

    I think the first step to this is to pray and plead with God because the only way for us to have real change is for Him to change our hearts. Without first coming to God and admitting where we are really at then there will only be superficial change at best. So what I’m going to start doing is waking up each morning and pray for God to make Him my hearts desire and do my best to act like He is – because that is His rightful place.

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee || Vol. 3

    If we were having coffee I’d ask you what your favorite kind is. I love trying new kinds – brands and flavors and would love to know what your favorite kind lately is.

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that there has been a massive heat wave in NJ this week and I am seriously loving it. My husband and I just came back from a hike and it was blissful – the warm air with the pretty colors of the leaves made my heart so happy.

    If we were having coffee, at this point I’d feel comfortable enough to let you in on a few deeper issues going on in my heart lately. Like I shared in my last post, God has shown up big time for me this month and I haven’t felt this free in, I don’t think ever. I am forever grateful to how God has answered my prayer and freed me from my anxiety. I would ask if you have ever struggled with anxiety and how you dealt with it.

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that I’ve actually been sticking to my goals this month and tell you that I don’t think I’ve ever done that before, embarrassing I know. But this month has been equally challenging as it’s been good and I can’t wait to recap my goals come November. Also can’t believe that it’s almost November.

    I’m linking up for the third month in a row with Amber @ Mr. Thomas and Me and I’m so excited. I never stick to anything but the genuineness and welcoming heart of Amber has me coming back every month. Hi new friend!

  • Faith

    4 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety

    Can I let you guys in on a little secret? I’ve mentioned it here a few times in passing but never really am too open with it. I struggle with anxiety. There I said it. I struggle with it a lot sometimes. Ever since getting married my anxiety has gotten a lot worse and I’m not really sure why. I think a lot has to do with me not being in control and that just downright scares me. The past few days though have been rough. Sometimes I literally feel like I’m lost at sea. Sounds like a funny analogy but for those of you who also struggle with anxiety maybe can relate. The thing that confuses me the most is that I feel like God has been insanely good to me in this season and this seems to be the hardest season yet. I just listened to an old sermon from my church on anxiety and it seems to have helped a little bit. I wrote a list of things that I am going to do when anxiety strikes to help and hopefully these might be able to help some of you as well.

    Tips for Overcoming Anxiety:

    1. Pray. Come before God and share your heart with Him. Tell Him your fears and just pour out everything on your mind. Sometimes this alone will help ease some anxiety. “Cast your cares on Him because He cares for you.” Also lay down your control as best you can. Recognize that God is a good father and you can trust Him. He’s brought you this far and will not leave you now.
    2. Memorize His Promises. This was sometimes I picked up from the sermon I just listened too. If you have time, I would suggest also listening to it too. The link is here, it helped me to remember the greatest thing we can do to battle anxiety is to fight back by memorizing God’s promises to us and also by transforming our minds by reading God’s word.
    3. Eat Healthy. For me this is going to mean to participate in the Whole 30 Challenge. But for you that might just mean eating more fruits and veggies. Do something to make yourself feel good. Eating good food always helps me feel more healthy and can in turn help with anxiety.
    4. Exercise or get active. Again this may mean something very different for each person. For one it might mean going on walks every night after dinner to clear your head. For others it might mean hitting the gym three times a week or going for a hike. Whatever it means to be a little more active for you – just do it. Don’t buy the lie that you’re too busy to be just a little more active. It is so important when it comes to mental health. I’m committed to going for runs or at least walks every day just to try to get outside my thoughts. So far it seems to be helping.

    These are just a few ideas that might help with anxiety. If you struggle with anxiety too – what are some things that help you? I could use all the help I can get over here.

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Marriage

    Let’s Have Coffee || Vol. 2

    If we were having coffee I would tell you that I can’t get enough of it lately. I wish I could drink it all day long. I’ve even bought decaf coffee to switch over to when I’ve had too much caffeine. I’d also ask how many cups you normally drink a day because I’m still deciding what’s okay for me to drink.

    If we were having coffee I’d tell you all about how I felt like God was being so silent in my life but then unleashed so many blessings in about a weeks time. I’ve been struggling with my relationship with Him since getting married but finally have felt the fuel to the fire being relit and it makes me so so happy. How do you get out of those types of seasons?

    If we were having coffee I’d tell you that for the first time ever I’m actually a little bit excited for summer to be over. I realized this year that fall is always a time of passion for me. I think it’s just the cooler air in the mornings and evenings but it makes me so excited for the start of a new season and being able to re-start all the things I’ve failed in the previous season – like eating health and working out.

    If we were having coffee I’d ask you how you stick to your workout schedule. I need all the tips because it seems no matter how hard I try I just cannot stick to a consistent schedule and I’m tired of making excuses and saying I’ll start really being serious about it later. I feel like it will never happen if I don’t start now. So please tell me all the tips. I need them.

    If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I still am trying to find the time for all of the things that I like to do since being married. I am starting little by little to find the right times to do things like blogging. How was the transition period for you if you’re married?

    Linking up with Amber @ Mr Thomas and Me.

  • Faith,  Life,  Marriage

    All About Me

    Oh hello there. I wanted to get back into blogging so what better way than to do (read: attempt) the Blog-tember Challenge! Bailey Jean at Brave Love Blog has been hosting the #blogtemberchallenge for the past 3 years – talk about dedication. I wish I could be that disciplined. Anyways the point of the challenge is to blog every day in September. I attempted last year, but definitely didn’t touch even close to every day. Let’s see how I do this year!

    Today’s prompt is simple – introductions. So hello again, I’m Ashley Zinhobl. That’s my brandy new last name – yep I’m a newlywed. Being married is so much fun and I am learning so much. We got married on May 22 and my life is so incredibly different that I don’t even recognize it but it’s definitely a good thing.

    Speaking of different I also switched jobs in March when I got laid off of my first real job. I took a temp job after that and I foresee a post about what it’s like in the temping world in the near future. I am also just about to accept another job (but shh don’t tell anyone yet) as a Document Imaging Specialist. This is what I did at my first job and LOVED it but more on that later.

    Hmm what else to tell you.. I am a Christian and try (but fail) to live my life like Jesus did. That is actually what the point of my blog is and why it’s named Set My Heart On You. I pray that I grow closer and closer to God and that He will transform my desires into His more and more. My desire for this space is simple. It’s to share about my every day life and struggles and things that God is teaching me through those to hopefully help you to see how good He is or to help you along with your struggles as well.

    But anyways that’s the important stuff. Gotta go now, I’m off to finish packing because my husband and my family are headed to the beach for the next 5 days. (My favorite place ever.) Can’t wait to spend all the time relaxing, reading, and tanning on the beach. But don’t worry I’ll be back tomorrow with prompt two! (Or so we hope 😉 ).
