• Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life,  Marriage

    Let’s Have Coffee || Vol. 4

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this month has been a hard one so far. My anxiety has been flaring up again, and I think I finally figured out what’s causing it but it took soo long to figure out what it was, and I’m still not sure if knowing what the reason is, is going to make it go away.

    If we were having coffee, I’d share with you that I cannot believe that Tommy and I have been married for almost 7 months. I’m actually quite sad that the newness has worn off and we are now closer to being married for a year than we are to when we got married.

    If we were having coffee, I’d dig deep and ask what your biggest struggle is right now. If you’re comfortable I’d love to actually chat about this, email me? Mine is just staying positive. The cold weather has come on fast and strong already and it has really taken its toll on my emotions. I have a feeling it is going to be a long winter ahead. (Although I do have a surviving the winter post coming soon!)

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that I am actually attempting to take a break from coffee until Christmas. If I drink too much of it, which I have been doing, it throws my stomach completely off, so I unfortunately think it’s best if I stop drinking it for a little bit. I also think it is making my anxiety worse so we will see how these next two weeks go.

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I went to the gym tonight, by myself might I add, and ran/walked for 2 and a half miles! I am so proud of myself and have felt much better after doing so. It gave me so much energy for the rest of the night and I think it might just be the trick to managing my anxiety as well. Let’s just pray I stick to it! I think my mental sanity might be at steak if I don’t haha.

    If we were having coffee, I’d apologize that the majority of the things that I wanted to talk about tonight were erring on the side of sad, it’s just where my heart is lately. I’m hoping to turn it around for the rest of the month though, Christmas is coming soon! Hope you all are doing well. I’d love to hear from you! If we were having coffee what would you want to share with me? Are you having a rough start to the winter season like me, or are you loving it so far?

    Today I’m linking up with Erin from Erin Salmon Writes.

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee || Vol. 3

    If we were having coffee I’d ask you what your favorite kind is. I love trying new kinds – brands and flavors and would love to know what your favorite kind lately is.

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that there has been a massive heat wave in NJ this week and I am seriously loving it. My husband and I just came back from a hike and it was blissful – the warm air with the pretty colors of the leaves made my heart so happy.

    If we were having coffee, at this point I’d feel comfortable enough to let you in on a few deeper issues going on in my heart lately. Like I shared in my last post, God has shown up big time for me this month and I haven’t felt this free in, I don’t think ever. I am forever grateful to how God has answered my prayer and freed me from my anxiety. I would ask if you have ever struggled with anxiety and how you dealt with it.

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that I’ve actually been sticking to my goals this month and tell you that I don’t think I’ve ever done that before, embarrassing I know. But this month has been equally challenging as it’s been good and I can’t wait to recap my goals come November. Also can’t believe that it’s almost November.

    I’m linking up for the third month in a row with Amber @ Mr. Thomas and Me and I’m so excited. I never stick to anything but the genuineness and welcoming heart of Amber has me coming back every month. Hi new friend!

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Marriage

    Let’s Have Coffee || Vol. 2

    If we were having coffee I would tell you that I can’t get enough of it lately. I wish I could drink it all day long. I’ve even bought decaf coffee to switch over to when I’ve had too much caffeine. I’d also ask how many cups you normally drink a day because I’m still deciding what’s okay for me to drink.

    If we were having coffee I’d tell you all about how I felt like God was being so silent in my life but then unleashed so many blessings in about a weeks time. I’ve been struggling with my relationship with Him since getting married but finally have felt the fuel to the fire being relit and it makes me so so happy. How do you get out of those types of seasons?

    If we were having coffee I’d tell you that for the first time ever I’m actually a little bit excited for summer to be over. I realized this year that fall is always a time of passion for me. I think it’s just the cooler air in the mornings and evenings but it makes me so excited for the start of a new season and being able to re-start all the things I’ve failed in the previous season – like eating health and working out.

    If we were having coffee I’d ask you how you stick to your workout schedule. I need all the tips because it seems no matter how hard I try I just cannot stick to a consistent schedule and I’m tired of making excuses and saying I’ll start really being serious about it later. I feel like it will never happen if I don’t start now. So please tell me all the tips. I need them.

    If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I still am trying to find the time for all of the things that I like to do since being married. I am starting little by little to find the right times to do things like blogging. How was the transition period for you if you’re married?

    Linking up with Amber @ Mr Thomas and Me.

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee || Vol. 1

    If we were having coffee I’d share with you about how since becoming a wife I have learned how therapeutic it is for me to make dinner at night. It’s just a great way for me to be able to serve my husband in a way that I really enjoy. Tonight I made chicken cutlets and mashed potatoes YUM.

    If we were having coffee I’d be drinking this delicious stuff. We got a small pack from Tommy’s cousin in a pack of stuff for the wedding and it is absolutely the best coffee I’ve ever had. I wish coffee didn’t have so much caffeine because if that was the case I’d be drinking it all day long.

    If we were having coffee I’d share that we just bought a new bed this weekend and it has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Hahah just kidding. But really. New beds are the greatest thing ever. I’ve never had one before so I am just on cloud 9.

    If we were having coffee I’d confess that I feel like I’m going to be struggling with this rededication of my faith and bible reading. I am still going to try to commit to reading as much as possible but I just can’t seem to keep my desire up like I used to. It makes me sad because I know I need to stay close to my Father’s loving voice. I just wish it wasn’t such a struggle lately.

    If we were having coffee I’d also confess that I’ve been struggling with anxiety lately. It may sound silly but I struggle with hypochondria sometimes and every ache and pain I get worried is cancer or something else that is going to kill me. I think this is partially because I have realized just how much God is in control and sometimes I struggle that He is really good. I’ve made some progress this weekend though and I’m hoping my rededication to reading my bible and staying close to God’s voice will help a lot.

    If we were having coffee we’d probably end up talking about work because that seems to always come up when you hang out with someone that you care about. I would let you in on what is going on lately – that I am still working a temp job and haven’t worried about whether or not there will be a job for me come the end of the contract because I know that God has my back. I know that He will take care of me one way or another.

    If were having coffee I’d love to know what’s new in your life, what your current fav drink is, and what your struggles are currently and where you’ve made progress because that’s what friends are for.

    PS I have my wedding pictures back and I will be posting soon, can’t wait!!

    I am linking up with Amber and Erin for a monthly coffee date. Join in with us.

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life

    A Farewell Coffee Date | Blogtember Day 30

    Coffee dates are one of my favs. I wish I had more friends who loved them as much as I do. I love how just being face to face with someone, with nothing to do but talk brings out the best conversations. It tends to really bring out our hearts and I just love conversations like that.

    If we were on a coffee date, I would really want to know what is on your heart. What are your fears, concerns, or worries nowadays? What are the exciting things, the happy things, the dreams that are coming true for you?

    If we were on a coffee date, I would try to be as real as I could with you. I would share my heart with you and what Jesus is currently doing in there (oh boy is it messy lately). I would tell you that I am in a season of waiting – waiting for big things, life changing things. I would tell you that I am equally excited as I am nervous. Some days just nervous, others just excited.

    If we were on a coffee date, I would hope to be at one that is small and more like a mom and pop one than at a Starbucks (though I do love me some Starbucks too). I just love the cozy atmosphere of the smaller ones. I love the noisy chatter of others sharing their hearts with each other. I love the sound of the keys typing away or the pages turning in a book. And of course I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

    If we were on a coffee date, I would share with you that I just found out today that my bank is in fact merging with another bank and that almost everyone in my building would be losing their jobs by the end of the year. I would tell you that as of right now all I can feel is peace. I know that this can only be from Jesus because I am not a fan of the unknown as I have mentioned before. I would tell you that today I realize that my job is not where I was meant to be long term anyway. I would share how a serious weight was lifted off my shoulders when I found out that I wouldn’t be in that field forever.

    If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that I am learning, learning to trust Jesus one step at a time. Learning that He will lead me where only I could get to with His help. I would tell you that I am so excited to find out where that might be because I know it will be way more amazing than I could ever imagine.

    Let’s pretend we really are on a coffee date, share with me what is really on your heart today? I have loved the bloggers that I have discover through this month long linkup. I do wish I had joined in more but am glad that I got involved at all. Thanks so much to everyone who I have interacted with, let’s keep in touch 🙂