• Baby,  Life

    Shane Thomas: Two Months

    Hi friends. I’m here to finally recap Shane’s second month! We honestly fall more and more in love with him every day and can’t believe that God gave him to us. He’s such a blessing and is growing so fast!

    Size: At his two month appointment the doctor weighted him in at 10 lbs 1 oz, which was a bit weird because my scale at home said he was around 10 lbs 10 oz but that’s okay. He was also 22.125 inches long!

    We moved up to size 1 diapers this month and 0-3 month size clothes!

    Sleep: Sleep has gotten a little more consistent this month. He still sleeps about 4-5 hour stretches at a time. He only wakes up about once a night so I’m very thankful for that! Sometimes it’s a bit hard to get him down and occasionally he fights going back down in the middle of the night too but overall he’s a good sleeper!

    Naps also got better this month. We are starting to get into a little bit more of a routine and he definitely seems a lot more sleepy this month. His first few weeks I swear he never slept. He never even seemed tired – it was the most bizarre thing. But he now starts to act tired after being up for about 1 1/2 – 2 hours.

    Loves: Eating, his mama and dada, and meeting new people. He almost always gives the biggest smile to any new face he sees. It’s so cute.

    Hates: He honestly doesn’t hate much. He’s a very laid back baby. He does get cranky when he’s tired and he has to wait a couple of minutes to eat.

    Our first walk 🙂

    Milestones: Shane started smiling this month and it’s our new favorite thing. He is still super strong and is doing amazing at tummy time. He just growing so much and becoming even more alert with each passing day. We went on our first family walk this month too and that was so fun. Also, Shane took his first nap in his crib. I didn’t think I would be okay having him sleep in his room until he was much older but he sleeps so much better in his crib. I just use the monitor and check on him often. 🙂

    Personality: Shane has become a lot more laid back this month, like I mentioned earlier. He barely ever cries. He only started yelling if he’s hungry and wants to eat, and that’s about it haha.