• Baby

    Shane Thomas: Six Months

    Welp guys I’ve dropped the ball this month on blogging. Something I have not blogged about yet is that Tommy and I are starting our own furniture business through Etsy. This is honestly the reason that blogging has been taking a backseat. We are trying hard to get the shop up and running as fast as possible so every bit of free time I’ve had has been working towards that.

    To be honest for the first time ever, I’ve reconsidered if I even wanted to keep blogging, but for now I definitely want to. Even if that means for a while that I am only about to get one or two posts up a month. I think eventually I will be able to blog more often – when Shane doesn’t need me quite so much.

    Anyways, speaking of Shane, let’s jump right into his update! Oh and also, I decided to change up the format of these updates. That was another reason why I haven’t blogged, the format I was using I didn’t like so it made me not really want to do these updates. I have been filling out a baby book for him so I am going to use that as a format for these as well.

    STATS: At Shane’s six month doctor’s appointment he weighed 14 pounds 10 ounces (5%). He was 26 inches tall (20%) and his head size was 16.5 inches (11%). He’s just a little guy like his daddy and I.

    New Foods: oatmeal, strawberries, and sweet potatoes

    How does your baby like solid foods? Shane looooves eating solids. He particularly likes eating sweet foods, like most babies I believe. It’s been really fun feeding him new foods and seeing his reaction to them.

    Sleep: Shane has always been a decent sleeper. This month he has started wanting to stay up and play for an hour or two in the middle of the night, which has not been fun. 😅(Only on some nights, thank God!)

    Does your baby sleep through the night? I have been avoiding this question on the blog (and in real life if I’m being honest) because I may be one of the only parents who doesn’t want Shane to sleep through the night. Say whaaat?! I KNOW. But there is good reason for it. So Shane is mostly breastfed, but also gets about 6-8 ounces of formula a day. If I cut out his nighttime feed then he would need about 4-6 more ounces of formula a day, which honestly is totally fine. But my goal has been to provide as much of his daily milk as I can so that means I will dreamfeed him in the middle of the night so that he can get that extra amount of breastmilk. I know there many be some people who won’t understand this but then again I know that there will be some people who will. It’s just personally a sacrifice I do not mind doing for Shane and I actually love that I am able to do, so for now it works for us.

    DAILY SCHEDULE (24hr: food + naps):

    • 8:30-9:30am: Wake up, nurse, take the dog out, play while mommy eats her breakfast.
    • 10-11am: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, nap
    • 12-1pm: Wake up + nurse + 1-2 oz of solids sometime before next nap
    • 2-3pm: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, nap
    • 4-5pm: Wake up + nurse
    • 6-6:30pm: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, nap
    • 6:30-7pm: Wake up + 1-2 oz of solids sometime before bed
    • 8:30pm: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, down for the night
    • 12:30-1:30am: Nurse + back to sleep
    • 4:30-5:30am: Nurse + back to sleep (sometimes right away, sometimes it takes about an hour)

    Just keep in mind this is a pretty rough schedule. Sometimes Shane doesn’t want to take his last nap, sometimes we are very busy and only get around to giving him solids once a day, sometimes he only takes an hour and a half nap. But for the most part this is the schedule we follow most days.

    Does your baby have any teeth? Nope! Still waiting on our teeth, which is A-Okay with mommy. 😉

    LOVES: His puppy, being in water, his mommy, and eating!

    Describe your baby’s temperament and disposition: Shane is such a happy baby! But he also knows what he wants and definitely lets us know what that is too.

    Favorite toys this month: This turtle toy, Skip Hop activity table, + this teether. (affiliate links)

    That’s all for this month friends! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂