• Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life,  Marriage

    Let’s Have Coffee || Vol. 4

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this month has been a hard one so far. My anxiety has been flaring up again, and I think I finally figured out what’s causing it but it took soo long to figure out what it was, and I’m still not sure if knowing what the reason is, is going to make it go away.

    If we were having coffee, I’d share with you that I cannot believe that Tommy and I have been married for almost 7 months. I’m actually quite sad that the newness has worn off and we are now closer to being married for a year than we are to when we got married.

    If we were having coffee, I’d dig deep and ask what your biggest struggle is right now. If you’re comfortable I’d love to actually chat about this, email me? Mine is just staying positive. The cold weather has come on fast and strong already and it has really taken its toll on my emotions. I have a feeling it is going to be a long winter ahead. (Although I do have a surviving the winter post coming soon!)

    If we were having coffee, I’d share that I am actually attempting to take a break from coffee until Christmas. If I drink too much of it, which I have been doing, it throws my stomach completely off, so I unfortunately think it’s best if I stop drinking it for a little bit. I also think it is making my anxiety worse so we will see how these next two weeks go.

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I went to the gym tonight, by myself might I add, and ran/walked for 2 and a half miles! I am so proud of myself and have felt much better after doing so. It gave me so much energy for the rest of the night and I think it might just be the trick to managing my anxiety as well. Let’s just pray I stick to it! I think my mental sanity might be at steak if I don’t haha.

    If we were having coffee, I’d apologize that the majority of the things that I wanted to talk about tonight were erring on the side of sad, it’s just where my heart is lately. I’m hoping to turn it around for the rest of the month though, Christmas is coming soon! Hope you all are doing well. I’d love to hear from you! If we were having coffee what would you want to share with me? Are you having a rough start to the winter season like me, or are you loving it so far?

    Today I’m linking up with Erin from Erin Salmon Writes.