• Life,  Pregnancy

    Pregnancy Update: Weeks 29-35

    Okay, I may or may not have had Baby Zin 2 already. 😉 See this post if you want a sneak peak, but I want to share the end of my pregnancy before sharing my birth story. But spoiler alert, we are all doing so well!

    I’m going to be sharing the end of my pregnancy updates today and tomorrow and then hopefully soon I will be able to get a post up of Riley’s birth story and an update on how we are all doing now.

    30 weeks

    Size of the baby: At 29 weeks baby was the size of an acorn squash – 2.5 pounds and 15.2 inches. And at 35 weeks baby was the size of a pineapple – 5.3 pounds and 18.2 inches.

    Total weight gain: 29 pounds

    Sleep: At week 30 I was having a hard time sleeping and waking up a lot during the night. I was needing to take a lot of naps that week to make up for lack of sleep at night. At 31 weeks I was starting to feel the toll of the extra weight and needed to take more breaks in between trying to get things done.

    35 weeks

    Best moment this month: Getting the house ready for the baby. We made a lot of progress this month and it feels so good. We took out an outside door that was in our bedroom and put in a window. We also opened up Shane’s closet to make room for a dresser in his room. Everything is really coming along!


    29 weeks: Started having some acid indigestion but it only last a day or two.

    30 weeks: Started feeling really big, a little swollen, belly feels huge and up higher than it was with Shane. Belly makes it harder to breathe. Feeling so overwhelmed with how much we need to get done before the baby comes with no help because of the pandemic.

    31 weeks: Feeling my belly is very big and heavy. Super emotional this week. Been resting a lot on the weekends in between getting things done. Basically been out of commission for one day a week or so.

    33 weeks: Still feeling pretty big but am able to move around a bit more easily. Belly doesn’t feel quite as big and stretched (although it is still very big). Had a doctor’s appointment this week where they checked me for COVID antibodies but it came back negative.

    34 weeks: Feeling kind of crampy and uncomfortable in the mornings. Feeling super tired towards the end of the week. Not really able to get stuff done too much.

    Moral of this month: Feeling large, tired, and wanting to get things done despite those symptoms. 🤣

  • Baby,  Life,  Pregnancy

    Pregnancy Update: Weeks 19-28

    Even though I turned 34 weeks this week I still wanted to update how my pregnancy was during the weeks that I missed writing about it here.

    20 weeks

    Size of the baby: At 19 weeks baby was the size of a mango – 5.98 inches and 8.5 ounces. at 28 weeks baby was the size of an eggplant – 14.8 inches and 2.2 pounds. Holy growing!

    Total weight gain: 19 pounds.

    Sleep: Around 25 weeks I was waking up around 4 or 5 most nights and not being able to fall back asleep. I remember this happening with Shane too. I think it’s a combination of pregnancy hormones and my brain not being able to relax about things that need to get done. At 27 weeks sleep started to get a little better but I was still waking up to flip over a lot.

    24 weeks

    Best moment this month: Finding out we are having another sweet boy! I’m so excited to meet him and learn his personality. I’m also so excited for Shane and this baby to have each other. They will be exactly 2.5 years apart so it will be really special to see them grow up together.

    28 weeks


    19 weeks: Feeling extra tired this week. Acne seems to be clearing up a bit. Still craving sugar but not as bad.

    21 weeks: I got super sick for three days. I had to take Tylenol basically around the clock to keep the fever down. I didn’t have much of an appetite, but I could feel baby moving around like crazy the whole time I was sick, which was very reassuring.

    22 weeks: Really no symptoms which is such a blessing! I am so so thankful! Baby is moving around and its so much fun to feel! Gums are sensitive and swollen again.

    25 weeks: Baby moves so much more than Shane did. (I also had an anterior placenta with Shane and don’t with this baby so that could be why.) Gums are still sensitive and swollen. (Comes and goes.) Having a hard time sleeping. Can’t get comfortable. Feel very sore. Wake up around 4-5 most nights and can’t fall back asleep. Trying to eat more greens. Back is killing me after working on Etsy all day.

    26 weeks: Sharp pain under ribs a few times. Sides of abs feel really sore and like they’re stretching a lot for a day or two. Sleep is still hit or miss. Always waking up to flip over.

    27 weeks: Feeling pretty big. Sleeping slightly better. Still waking up to flip over a bunch though.

    28 weeks: Feeling very tired this week. My body especially legs and feet can really feel the extra weight. I had my first in person doctors appointment this week since the pandemic started. I got my Tdap shot, got checked for gestational diabetes (didn’t have it woohoo!), and found out I’m not anemic! It was weird being at the doctors with a mask on and being a little scared of getting sick.

    And just for fun, here is my pregnancy updates with Shane during this time period: 19 weeks, 20 weeks, 21 weeks, 22 weeks, 23 + 24 weeks, 25 + 26 weeks, 27 + 28 weeks.

    Things changed a lot these ten or so weeks. At the start of it, I wasn’t feeling too big but over the course of the weeks going by I started to really feel the extra weight. Also the pandemic started during this weeks, which was a little scary. I had one or two video appointments instead of going into the office. They just asked me to check my weight and blood pressure at home. This pregnancy has dragged on a lot because of being quarantined at home for so long. I will be back soon to update you on weeks 29-34 soon!

    If you’re pregnant too let me know how you’ve been and how it’s been being pregnant during a pandemic. I’d love to hear from you!

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 37-39 Week Bumpdate

    Hey friends! I had a rare moment of actually really wanting to blog today so here I am. It’s been really hard to find the motivation amidst such a huge change in my life. I am technically 40 weeks pregnant as I write this, even though I’m not recapping this week, and we are still waiting for baby. I am only two days past my due date but we are hoping he’ll come soon. Please pray that I don’t have to be induced and that labor and delivery would go well. I am quite nervous about it. Thank you for all the support you guys give me as well. It means so much to me!

    Size of the Baby: At 39 weeks baby was the size of a pumpkin – about 7.23 pounds and 19.9 inches!

    Total Weight Gain: 32 pounds as of last Wednesday!

    Doctors Appointments: At my 36 week appointment I was tested for GBS and that came back negative, which I’m really happy about because I hate antibiotics.

    At my 39 week doctor’s appointment my doctor checked to see if I was dilated at all and I wasn’t. I also had this done at my 36 week appointment, which didn’t hurt at all but at the 39 week one it hurt so badly. I’m really hoping I go into labor before Wednesday so I don’t have to have that done again. 😵

    Symptoms: Nothing too much that’s new to be honest. I have had Braxton hicks contractions still, most of them coming at night but nothing to get crazy about. After my 39 week cervical check, I had a lot of them the next day and I could have sworn I had my bloody show, but now that it’s been 4 days I’m thinking it was only because of the cervical check and didn’t actually mean baby was coming.

    My hips have been really sore at night. Mostly early morning. I will wake up every hour or two after like 4 or 5 am and have to switch sides because they ache so badly.


    Stretch Marks: Nope!

    Nursery: I know I mentioned that I was going to do a nursery reveal and I really hate to be the blogger who says they will do something and then falls flat on their words. I still have every intention of sharing his nursery (and name!), I’m just not exactly sure when at this point. I want to say this week but it is baby week so I don’t want to make any promises! Even if I end up sharing his nursery after he’s born, I will definitely still be creating a post about it.

    Tommy is: patiently waiting for baby along side me.

    Best Moments: Probably Christmas. We had a great Christmas this year at my in-laws. They are all just as excited as we are to have this baby come. Tommy also made me this really thoughtful gift – a bulletin board of all of our special moments during this pregnancy. I love it so much.

    Looking Forward To: Baby Zin’s birth! I still am in shock that it is just around the corner to be honest.

    If you don’t already follow me on Instagram and don’t want to miss out on his birth announcement, then click here and wait patiently (or not so patiently if you’re like me) for when he’s born! I’ll definitely be updating over there first before I’ll get to show up here.

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 35 + 36 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends! Even though my picture might be technically 37 weeks, I’m here to update you on weeks 35 and 36 of this pregnancy. I cannot believe he will be here so soon. I CANNOT wait.

    Size of the Baby: At 36 weeks he was the size of a papaya – about 5.73 pounds and 18.7 inches.

    Total Weight Gain: Up exactly 30 pounds as of week 36!

    Symptoms: A definite increase in discharge. (TMI I know.) Also an increase in Braxton hicks contractions. I also get this feeling where it feels like my bladder is being pinched while I’m standing, I’m guessing from all the pressure, and that isn’t a nice feeling at all lol. My appetite picked up again around 36 weeks. Some days I feel ravenous, while others I’m okay eating just about as much as I was before I was pregnant it seems.

    Doctors Appointments: Starting at 36 weeks, I am now going to the doctor once a week! The way my doctor’s office works is they check to see if you are dilated each week when you come in. I know some people don’t like doing this because it technically doesn’t mean anything, but I really enjoy knowing if I’m dilated at all. At my 36 week appointment, my doctor’s words were “Not much going on there. Maybe a fingertip”. So I’m still excited that I’m just slightly dilated at all. I’m excited to be checked again this Wednesday and see if anything has changed.

    She also measured my fundal height, like they do at every appointment. I actually could feel that she did it differently than the other doctors I’ve been to before her (there are 4 in the office and this was the first time I was seeing this specific doctor). She sent me for a growth scan because my fundal height was 2 cm behind. To be honest with you, I really didn’t feel it was necessary, I’ve heard 2 cm is nothing to be behind and I could just feel she had measured me differently like I mentioned before, but I went anyway. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself just in case there was something wrong and I chose not to go.

    I went to the ultrasound yesterday and everything went well. Baby boy is measuring about 6 pounds 4 ounces and is in the 25th percentile! She said if I went another 2 weeks that he would be around 7 pounds when he was born.

    Movement: He really likes to throw me for a loop when it comes to movement. He has some days where he moves a ton during the day, then he has others where he doesn’t move too much at all. I also like the days when he’s moving a ton so I don’t have to worry. On the days where he doesn’t move a lot, if I eat or drink something sweet he always reacts to it so I don’t get too worried. It would be nice if he moved around a lot more on those days though so I don’t have to worry at all lol. I’m wondering if this means he’s going to be a pretty chill baby because I hear some babies move constantly in the womb and baby boy definitely is not one of those babies haha.

    Stretch Marks: Nope, still none so far! Everybody keeps telling me I’m so small for how far along I am though so maybe that’s why? I’m also still faithfully putting on my belly butter, which keeps my skin so soft.

    Nursery: Like I mentioned in my last update, we were very close to being done with the nursery. I am so excited to say we are done! I did buy a pattern to make a mobile, but honestly am not sure if that will get done before he is born. That’s okay though. I think I’m going to try to take pictures and share his nursery this week. I love it so much!

    Tommy is: excited to become a dad and feeling the weight of the responsibility that is very closely before us.

    Best Moments: When I was 35 weeks we went over to my in-laws for dinner and spent a lot of time talking about the baby. It was so much fun and everyone seems so excited for him to be here soon. Tommy’s brother and his wife had a fetal doppler and they suggested we try to get the baby’s heartbeat on it so we could all hear. Tommy used it and found the baby’s heartbeat and it was so much fun!

    Looking Forward To: Christmas! I would absolutely love for baby to be born before Christmas and for us to make it home from the hospital for Christmas but only if he’s ready of course. I’m not holding my breath for it but it would be so great. 🙂

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 31-34 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends. I am finally getting around to posting about my last 4 weeks of pregnancy! Thanks for all of the encouragement and for being patient with me. 🙂 It’s actually been harder to document the symptoms the further I get because they all kind of stay the same.

    Size of the Baby: At 34 weeks baby is the size of a Butternut Squash – about 17.7 inches and 4.63 pounds! I can’t believe how big he’s getting.

    Total Weight Gain: At my doctor’s appointment I weighed in at 130 – up 27 pounds. I’m still feeling really good about my weight gain. It’s really only going to my belly/hip area, which I am pretty happy about haha. I’m also happy because it’s been very gradual and not too uncomfortable.

    Gender: Still a sweet baby boy! 🙂

    Symptoms: Oh this is a fun one! I noticed I started getting a linea nigra at 31 weeks! I was so surprised because on my baby bump apps they said that you might start getting it at something like 14 weeks and I hadn’t noticed anything until 31 weeks so I thought that the time for that had passed. It’s still super light but it’s definitely there!

    I noticed around that same time that I started getting a lot more emotional as well and that still continues on until today for the most part. It’s nothing compared to the first trimester but since I’m also getting a lot more tired more easily, that mixed with so many changes so soon, sometimes I get a bit emotional. But that’s to be expected haha.

    I have been having Braxton hicks contractions as well. I usually get them most at night and they usually happen the most when I haven’t drank enough water that day. They aren’t anything to worry about though. I also noticed that if I don’t drink enough water, I wake up so much more overnight to drink water. It’s super interesting.

    I also get some indigestion every once in a while. It depends on what I’m eating and I’m starting to learn which foods cause it more than others. For some reason, I can’t really eat oatmeal. Oatmeal seems to give me the worst indigestion oddly enough. Frozen pizza also causes it (but not ordered pizza?) but that doesn’t stop me from eating it of course. 😉

    Movement: Baby is still moving around like usual, which is great. He will have some more active days than others but if I ever get worried that I haven’t felt him in a while if I drink something sweet and lay on my side he always wakes right up.

    Stretch Marks: Still none thankfully. I’ve been using Burt’s Bees Mama Belly Butter every night and it makes my skin so moisturized and soft. I still have 6 more weeks to go though so we will see!

    Nursery: When I was 31 weeks (right before our baby shower) we redid his closet to have better storage. The picture below was my inspiration. I can’t wait to show you guys how it came out. I love it.


    Also, we are just about done with his nursery! I just ordered a little nightstand for next to the glider, which should be here late this week/early next week. Once all of the finishing touches are put on, I will definitely be doing a nursery tour post and also a name reveal! 🙂 His name is up on the wall and our friends and families know his name so I might as well share with my blogging friends as well. I’m super excited for that post.

    Tommy is: Working hard and extra saving up money for the baby. Also working hard at home trying to get the house baby ready! He’s the greatest. 🙂

    Best Moments: We took a childbirth class and the hospital tour over the course of these 4 weeks. I loved them both. I became more empowered during the childbirth class that my body is able to do this and I don’t need to be afraid. We learned some helpful tips and positions and I’m really glad we went.

    The hospital tour was equally exciting because it really helped me feel prepared. I usually get anxiety when I don’t know what to expect in a situation so being about to see exactly where we have to go and the room where I will give birth in helped calm me down a lot. It also made it a lot more real.

    Looking Forward To: Just being that much more closer to meeting our sweet baby. I dream about him every night and I cannot wait until he’s here!

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 20 Week Bumpdate

    Can you believe I’m halfway to actually having a baby in my arms?! I sure can’t! Some days it feels like time is speeding by and other days I feel like it’s going to take forever to meet our little baby. Let’s see how this week went. I don’t think there’s a whole lot to say about this week after having such an exciting week last week.

    Size of the Baby: A banana! – about 6.5 inches and 10 ounces. At our ultrasound this week the technician told us he actually weighs 12 oz!

    Total Weight Gain: Around 7-8 pounds. I go back to the doctor next week so I’ll know for sure then.

    Gender: A handsome baby boy! Check out our gender reveal here if you missed it. 🙂

    Symptoms: Symptoms have been very mild the past few months and I’m so thankful. My biggest complaint though would be sleeping (and honestly it’s not even really that bad). As I think I’ve mentioned before, I’m having trouble sleeping on my side. My shoulders get really achy and I find myself waking up on my back.

    I also think I might have developed a slight dairy intolerance possibly? My stomach bothers me sometimes if I eat a lot of dairy, which has never happened before. I really hope this doesn’t means that Baby Zin is also intolerant to dairy because I definitely plan to breastfeed and I eat a lot of dairy so that will be hard to cut that out if I have to.

    Movement: I felt him move a lot a couple of days this week. I usually can feel him when I stop moving at night just before I go to sleep. It’s the coolest thing ever.

    Missing: Nothing this week! It’s been such an exciting week, I haven’t even had time to miss anything.

    Nursery: We started working on the nursery this week! Now that we know we’re having a boy we’re able to actually make some real plans. We started shiplapping one of the walls and it looks so good! I seriously love it. I can’t wait to see how it all comes together.

    Exercise: I haven’t been sticking to a very “specific” workout program this pregnancy. I did take a walk one day this week. I have been staying very active lately though. Like I just mentioned, we are working on the nursery so I have been on my feet moving around a lot during the day.

    Tommy is: having a lot of fun working on the baby’s room.

    Looking Forward To: Finishing up the paint/shiplap this week and seeing how it all comes out!

    Best Moments: Finding out the gender of sweet baby Zin of course!