• Baby

    Shane Thomas: One Year!

    Can you guys believe it? Shane is one year old already! On Saturday, the 12th he turned one and we had a little party at our house to celebrate. It was a nice and relaxing time with friends and family and it was so special to celebrate our Shaney. Later on in the week I’m planning to share some pictures from his party.

    But today I wanted to share his twelve month update. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep doing these each month, maybe switch to every three months, or stop them altogether but we will see. I’m kind of liking the idea of keeping it going to have a place to look back on in the future. Let’s see what Shane is up to this month though, shall we?

    Size: I don’t know all of his stats yet because I haven’t brought him to the doctor’s for his twelve month visit. But I did weigh him last night and he was 18lbs 4oz, so still a little guy. He fits into twelve month clothes.

    Favorite Thing To Do: Shane loves to chase after the dog, empty all of our cabinets + shelves, and loves to cuddle.

    Favorite Friends: Shane loves his baby cousin Devin.

    Favorite People: Definitely mama, dada, and grandma.

    Favorite Toy: Drumsticks! He had a meltdown once when he was super tired because I had to take them away from him so he could go to sleep.

    Favorite Foods: Yogurt, puffs, and pasta

    Favorite Books: Goodnight Moon or Dear Zoo

    Dislikes: Being in the car when he’s really tired, or getting his face wiped after eating

    Our Schedule This Month:

    8:30am- Wake up + Nurse
    9:30-10:00am- Eat breakfast
    10:30am- Nurse + Naptime
    12:00pm- Wake up + Nurse
    1:30pm- Lunchtime
    3:00pm- Nurse + Naptime
    4:30-5:00pm- Wake up + Nurse
    6:30pm- Dinnertime
    8:30pm- Nurse + Bedtime
    10:30pm- Dreamfeed
    6:30am- Dreamfeed

    Because I had low milk supply from the beginning, I’ve wanted to make sure that I kept a lot of nursing time in to make sure that my milk supply didn’t drop too much before Shane turned one. Now that he is one, I’m planning on dropped those two dream feeds (gradually), and eventually a couple other feeds throughout the day as well. As for now though, this schedule worked out well for us though.

    What trouble does your toddler get into? He loves trying to eat the dog food or trying to play in the toilet 🤦🏻‍♀️

    What is your toddler’s strengths? He is very strong and brave. He is also very determined. He also loves to socialize when he notices people are paying attention to him. He’s such a little ham.

    Describe the love you feel for your toddler: Shane is my whole world and I would do absolutely anything for him. This past year I spent almost all of my time learning how to be the best mom I can be to him. I pushed through one of the hardest things I ever did, breastfeeding him, and worked so hard to give him as much breastmilk as I could because I wanted him to have the best start to life. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us and to keep learning how to be the best mom I can be for him.