• Baby,  Faith

    How Waking Up Before My Son Changed My Life

    This may be a little bit of a premature post to write, as I’ve only been waking up before Shane for three days. BUT I am so confident and have already seen the craziest results that I still feel pretty confident writing this.

    Before Waking Up Early

    Before I started waking up before Shane, I felt stressed and overwhelmed most days. I used to feel like there wasn’t enough time to get what I needed to get done. I felt like I was always trying to squeeze in having some downtime and also trying to be productive around the house. Some days I managed to find the balance well. Most days though, I felt like I either was super productive all day and exhausted by the end of it or like I rested the majority of the day and had gotten nothing done.

    My Daily Morning Schedule Now

    6:30am – Wake up
    6:40am – Spend time with God
    7:00am – Read blogs, watch Youtube videos, have some “me time”, etc.
    8:00am – Have breakfast, possibly write a blog post
    8:30am – Shane wakes up

    This is honestly just a rough schedule and each day might look a little different going forward but really the point is I get to fill my own cup before pouring myself out for my family for the rest of the day.

    You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup

    I’m sure you’ve heard the quote, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. And that is essentially what I felt like I was trying to do when I’d wake up at the same time as Shane.

    I felt like there was never enough time to really spend with God, and also take care of Shane and the house. I almost always felt like I had no patience and I hated that.

    Having the time in the morning that I can dedicate to whatever I want to do and not feel guilty about changes everything for me. I feel like I have so much more to give to my family. It leaves me the rest of the day to “work”. During Shane’s nap times I can get some housework done, spend time with Tommy, blog or work on Etsy.

    Getting My Priorities Straight

    I think the biggest change and the real reason why I feel like my life has changed though is because I’m putting God first. Having a baby shook my world up in ways I am still processing and it definitely shook up my relationship with God.

    It took me a lot longer than it should have to really get back into spending quality time with God, but I’m so glad that I finally did.

    Timing Is Everything

    For a long time I imagined a time when I could wake up before Shane. When he was waking up in the night to be fed there was no way waking up before him would be healthy for me. So this had to wait.

    I just wanted to give a little disclaimer in case this may be you too. There will be a time when you can wake up before your baby. Sometimes it feels like it may never come, but I promise you it will. Give yourself grace in the meantime. ❤️