• Faith,  Marriage

    The Most Important Thing To Remember In Your Marriage

    I usually would never title a post with such a serious name. I am always skeptical when I read an all-encompassing title such as this one. I’m skeptical because well, how could another person possibly know what is the most important thing for my marriage. Whatever they’re thinking probably is the most important thing for their marriage, but certainly can’t be for every marriage. So if that’s what you’re thinking, I will encourage you to keep reading. I think you will agree with me on this one. And even if you don’t believe it’s THE most important thing to remember, I am convinced that you will at least agree that is in the top three most important things to remember when it comes to a healthy marriage, and will understand why I named it the most important thing for a marriage.

    I actually read this little bit of advice from a book, Love and Respect. (I actually did a book review on it a few years ago, so if you’re interested you can check that out here. It is definitely one of my favorite marriage books. It really opens your eyes to what a husband or wife really needs from their spouse.)

    The most important marriage advice I’ve heard is to remember that your husband (or wife) is a good-willed person, specifically when they do something that hurts you. Remind yourself that he loves you, and whatever he did to make you upset doesn’t change that. Also remember that whatever it was, he did not purposely do it just to hurt you. He might not have even known that it did hurt you.

    I think this might be better shown through an example. Let’s say you ask your husband to take out the garbage the following morning, and he forgets. And let’s also say that you guys have been going through a harder season where it feels like he seems to forget a lot of things that you ask him to do lately. I think it can be so easy to jump straight to the conclusion that he keeps forgetting to do these things because he doesn’t care about you. (I am always very quick to jump to this conclusion.) This is when it’s important to remember that your husband is a good-willed person. Remind yourself that while it may be easy to think that he did this because he doesn’t care about you, he more likely didn’t do it because he forgot, and that’s it. I think it’s also helpful to remind yourself in this moment of the last thoughtful thing your husband did for you so that you don’t jump to the conclusion that he doesn’t care. Dwell on the reason why you know he cares.

    While I’m not saying that this will just make everything better. It still might make you upset or angry, and I am not saying that those feelings are wrong or not justified. I just think it’s important not to run with those feelings. Once we start believing that our husbands do not care for us, we get into very dangerous waters. I believe if we start thinking that they don’t care, that’s when the foundation of your relationship starts breaking down and it can only get worse from there. Without trust there is no relationship. We really need to be able to trust our husbands for us to be able to work out issues or for our relationship to thrive.

    Please note that I do recognize that this may not be true for every relationship and that I am aware that there are abusive relationships where this basic truth does not apply. If you are in a relationship and you do not feel that this is true, and you do not feel that your husband genuinely cares for you or know that he does things to purposely hurt you, please think about seeking help. You do not deserve to be in a relationship that is hurtful or abusive.

  • Marriage


    I can’t believe it’s November and Christmas is right around the corner. I’m really excited for the holiday season. I want this season to be filled with growth in my relationship with Jesus. I’ve been struggling for the past few months with my relationship with God, which I have shared a little bit about here on the blog. I want to keep striving through this tough season and keep seeking His face above all else.

    Getting married changes so much about your life. I know this probably seems to be the only thing I blog about lately but it’s honestly been one of the main things on my mind since May. It’s a wonderful thing in many instances. You get to live with your best friend. You always have someone to hang out with. You have someone to lean on in the hard times. It’s a time that’s full of new beginnings and new joys that you never knew were possible.

    But I want to share with you guys that marriage isn’t all roses and butterflies. I want to bring some light to marriage to anyone who may be reading this and thinking, “If only I could find someone to marry…”. Like I said marriage is a gift, and a great gift at that, but it is also hard and demanding at times. I don’t want anyone believing the lie that once you get married then you will be truly happy, or once I get a boyfriend, or once I get a boy to like me. The best thing that ever happened to me wasn’t getting married. It was realizing that the God of the universe loved me enough to die for me. Knowing I have worth to the God that created everything I see is such a humbling and awesome thing. Don’t lose sight of this.

    I used to think that once Tommy and I were married everything would be perfect. I knew I’d still have struggles and hard times but I thought that they wouldn’t be so bad because we’d be together. And hear me out, this just isn’t true. Trials are trials no matter if you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed. Each trial is unique in it’s own way and the only thing that really gets you through it, is to seek God’s face above all else. Seek God’s face in the midst of the trial and that’s when you will find true joy. I read so many blog posts about this same idea many times before I was married and I never learned until I walked it myself. If I can spare one person from believing this lie, that will be enough for me.

    If it is your desire to be married, keep pressing in and asking the Lord for this, but don’t believe that only then will you be truly happy. Being married can be hard, just like being single can be hard. Resting in knowing God is for us is what will get us through anything. Let me know how I can pray for you specifically if this is something you might be struggling with. It is close to my heart because it was and probably still is in some ways a personal struggle of mine as well and would love to encourage you along the way!

  • Life,  Marriage

    Fall Bucket List: Apple Picking

    One of my favorite things to do in the fall is go apple picking. This year I tried to plan a trip with my husband, brother, his girlfriend, my cousin and her boyfriend but the weather just did not want to cooperate. We were supposed to go this past Saturday but it was freezing and rainy so we rescheduled it for Sunday instead, and even though only my husband and I were able to go, it was seriously the perfect little trip.


    We started our morning like our usual Saturday morning, with coffee and breakfast made by my husband, always so yummy. Then we headed to the apple orchard after relaxing for a little while. The drive was beautiful and honestly made us both even more excited to go apple picking.

    tommy apple picking.PNG


    It was such a great time, the weather was perfect, and the apples were delish. We also had apple cider hot dogs (!), which didn’t really taste like apple cider at all to me, but were still yummy. But the most delicious thing we got was apple cider donuts. They were the.best.thing.ever. I already am wishing I had more.


    me apple picking.PNG

    It really was a beautiful day and I’m really glad we went. I can’t wait to make apple pie with all of the apples we picked. What’s on your fall bucket list?

  • Marriage,  Wedding

    5 Months

    Today Tommy and I have been married for five months. I can hardly believe it’s been that long. It feels like just yesterday when we stood in front of all of our friends and family and promised each other forever. It has been a dream since that day but also not how I expected it in the least.

    God has done a lot of work in my heart since being married. He has revealed to me things about myself that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. One of those things was that I didn’t really believe that He was good. After getting married I had this fear that something terrible was going to happen to me. It was very subtle at first but over the months it became more and more obvious. And it wasn’t until God healed me of this anxiety that I even fully understood what I was even believing.

    I believed that I didn’t deserve to have good things happen to me. I grew up in a pretty broken home where it kind of felt like bad things happening were the norm. I think I just got used to this feeling and learned to expect it. So here I am now, the day after I get married and thinking this can’t last. It has to blow up eventually because that’s what always happens.

    But God has been ever so gentle with me and has taught me that this just isn’t true. Bad things don’t always have to happen. He desires to see His children happy and while I’m still learning this, I feel like I’ve had tremendous growth in the past week or so. I no longer feel like I have to walk around being afraid of what is going to happen next. I can cherish where I am knowing that God is here with me and brought me to this place. He loves me and He also loves you. He desires to see His children delight in Him but also in the good gifts that He gives.

    I just want to leave you guys with our wedding vows. We picked ones that our church had and personalized them a bit. They are very special because it signifies that we will promise to love each other through the good and the bad, and to ultimately follow God as the goal of our lives. But we get to do it together now. How awesome is marriage.

     I, Tommy, take you, Ashley, to be my wedded wife. I love you and know that this love is from God. Because of this, I want to be your husband so that we might serve Christ together. Through all of the uncertainties and trials of the present and future, I promise to be faithful to you and love you. I promise to guide and protect you as Christ does his church, as long as we both shall live. God’s Word gives us the perfect example of this love in Christ’s death for the Church. I shall try always, with God’s help, to show you this same kind of love, for I know that in His sight we will both be one.


    I, Ashley, take you, Tommy, to be my wedded husband. I love you. I prayed that God would lead me to his choice. I praise Him that tonight His will is being fulfilled. Through the pressures of the present and uncertainties of the future I promise my faithfulness, to follow you through all of life’s experiences as you follow God, that together we may grow in the likeness of Christ and our home be a praise to Him.

  • Life,  Marriage

    What Have You Been Up To?

    Hi friends. I’ve been thinking a lot about wanting to write a post for the past couple of weeks but watching Netflix or sleeping normally win. I guess since it’s been a while I’ll do sort of a “life update” post.

    I mentioned that I was struggling with anxiety in my last post and since then it has gotten SO much better. I did a lot of reading and growing and realized that I need to (try) my best to let go of control of my life and just let God do what is best for me. (Not like I can stop him anyway lol.) I just try to remind myself that He IS good and that He has brought me this far and cares about me so I do not have to worry. I’ve been consistently reading my bible the past two weeks also and this probably has helped with this a ton.

    I started reading She’s Got Issues and I can already tell that it’s going to be amazing. I have already grown from just reading one chapter. I have learned a lot about myself. If you don’t already know, I am currently working at a temp job and it has been really trying me. I’ve been expected to do A LOT and am not getting compensated for doing any extra and it’s probably all just for them to let me go at the end of the project. I was working up to 47 hours a week sometimes, trying to gain approval and in turn have them hire me permanently AKA controlling the situation. I also think this had a lot to do with my anxiety as well. I was over working myself. This book helped me realize that I needed to let go and let God control the situation and after two weeks of not doing any overtime and still feeling very stressed out from the work demands, I have decided to look somewhere else where I am permanent and have room to grow in the company and have my hard work pay off. Your prayers would be much appreciated. 🙂

    Also, my cousin and her boyfriend came to church with us this past Sunday and it was awesome. Her boyfriend has never really gone to a church like we go too and it as really excited to bring him there. My cousin also hasn’t been to church in a while either so I was so happy. I’m praying that the things that they heard will take root and grow.

    I think I am finally “used to” being married. I can’t believe that it hasn’t even been three months yet though. I sort of feel like we’ve been married for at least a year. We’ve gotten to know each other so well and it has gotten a lot smoother than when we were first married lol. It definitely takes time to get to know how someone is when you live with them. For example, sometimes since I am an introvert I just need some me time. I get home from work after Tommy so there isn’t any time when I am just in the house alone. Tommy had to get used to the few times when I would just not want to talk or wanted to read and realize that I wasn’t mad or upset with him but really just didn’t have anything to say at that time. It’s really new living with someone and can be challenging at times but if you keep in mind that this person is yours forever and you have the privilege of living and serving them for the rest of your life then it puts things into perspective when they leave their clothes on the floor again. You can see those things as an opportunity to love and it helps so much.

    Welp this post has been pointless but I hope you guys have like hearing about my boring life these past two weeks. What have you been up to?

  • Faith


    For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. – 2 Chronicles 16:9

    I have a confession. I do not know what my spiritual life is supposed to look like now that I’m married. Everything feels different. I don’t feel like I can connect to God as easily as I used to. When I pray I don’t hear His voice as easily as I used to. This could just be a dry season for me – before we were married I was consistently seeking God and desired to spend so much time with Him. I don’t feel the same lately and I know we all go through phases and some seasons it is easy to connect with God and others it is harder but being in a new season of life and not being able to connect with God well has been really tough.

    Sometimes I even feel like it’s my fault. Like maybe I’m doing something to keep myself from connecting with God (besides the obvious, not spending as much time praying and reading my bible). Maybe I am living too much for others opinions or maybe I just got lazy because I finally “got what I wanted” being married and all. But I still do desire God and wish to connect with Him like I have before.

    I also think part of it might be because I am not used to having to connect with Him while other people are around. I used to read my bible and pray in my room behind closed doors and now my desk that I normally read at is in our living room so this makes it much more difficult to be alone. Or maybe God is just trying to teach me to try to connect with Him with my husband now. We just bought 30 day devotionals for married couples. I linked the book in case anyone is interested.

    I wrote the bible verse above because this verse convicted me a lot today while I was reading my bible, but also encouraged me as well. Friends, I don’t feel as though my heart is “fully committed to Him” although I do desire for it to be. Like I mentioned in my post yesterday I feel lost and I guess I’m not sure what having my heart being fully committed to the Lord in this season should look like. I am excited to find out though. Especially because this verse says that the Lord strengthens those who are fully committed to Him. I am praying for an increased desire to know the Lord and praying for obedience and discipline when it comes to reading my bible.