• Faith,  Marriage

    Friday Favorites | Vol. 5

    It’s been a little while since I participated in Friday Favorites and I love writing these so I’m back again today to share about my week(s). I think I may start doing this every Friday I just love them so much.

    Friday Favorites

    o n e

    Shared this on Instagram yesterday too 🙂

    I spent some extra time with God yesterday, coloring this out of my bible and journaling and it was so great. I bought this coloring Bible a few months ago but haven’t really taken the time to really sit down and color and soak up God’s word in that way. I usually just read 1-2 chapters and that’s all. I actually watched an Illustrated Faith video the day before which inspired me. I think eventually I want to step up my game and start doing Illustrated Faith too. Do you do Bible Journaling or Illustrated Faith at all? I’d love to chat about it. 🙂

    t w o

    Follow my Etsy Instagram to keep up with new products being made + keep your eye out for LAUNCH DAY.

    I finished that blanket a few weeks ago for my Etsy shop and my husband and I are looooving it. It’s so soft and cozy. I can’t wait to make more and to sell it once my shop opens! (We’re getting closer!) A lot of my family has asked me to make one as well, which I just love. It brings me so much joy to be able to make things for people and for them to enjoy it. Do you crochet or make anything with your hands? It’s so therapeutic to me!

    t h r e e

    Don’t mind our squinty faces 😉

    Tommy and I just celebrated our first married EASTER. It was a really great day, we went to our old church with my mom. (She still attends there.) It was a gorgeous day out. AND I hosted my first holiday in our little apartment! I literally cooked all day and I loved it. It was perfect timing too because we move out at the end of the month! It was a great way to say goodbye to our tiny apartment.

    f o u r

    In order: my cousin Nichole, my mom, me, Tommy, my grandma, my grandpa, my brother’s girlfriend Rachael, and my brother Dylan

    I shared a little bit about this in my Florida Vacation Recap but last Thursday we celebrated my grandparents 57th wedding anniversary!! We were in Florida visiting them, and Easter happened to be their 57th anniversary so we took them out before we made the drive home the next day. It was really special being there with them, especially since my grandma’s health hasn’t been the greatest in the last few years. If you wouldn’t mind saying a little prayer for her, I would greatly appreciate it!

    f i v e

    We are doing a Bible Study on my blog starting in May and everyone voted and picked THIS book. I ordered it right when it was decided and just received the book this morning. I’ve flipped through it a little bit and I am SO excited to dive in! There’s still time to join in with us too! Check out this post for more information about it.

    What have you been up to this week friends? I’d love to know. Linking up with these lovely ladies below.

  • Life,  Wedding

    What’s Up Wednesday (or Thursday) April Edition!

    I’m going to go ahead and apologize now for not nearly enough pictures in this post. I’ve been really busy and haven’t really thought much about taking pictures lately but I’ll make due with what I’ve got. What’s Up Wednesday is my favorite linkup and even though I technically missed it because today’s Thursday, I still want this all documented so here goes…


    Every week since moving into our apartment Tommy has been cooking this amazing steak with sautéed mushroom and onions dinner that I seriously love. We also went out to Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza on our date night last night and that was delish too. We also eat a lot of pasta because we just wouldn’t be us if we didn’t do that. 🙂

    Tommy’s been doing a lot of cooking actually since I used to get home at 6 and he gets home at like 12-1. He’s quite the cook too.




    My last few months “working” at Hudson City when there really wasn’t any work to be done and in reality I was just reading and writing all day. Seriously miss that time so much. Can I just be a stay at home mom now with no kids??


    Having our own place! And getting to decorate it and do DIY things! I’m having so much fun. See below.

    Z wreath

    eat sign


    This past month we moved into our apartment and this past weekend I finally got everything all set up to be where I want it to be. That took about two full weeks until everything was basically all set up and out of boxes. We’ve also been working on wedding stuff. I ordered these cool bamboo plates for the wedding because who knew China costs so much ($10 a person?? I think not).

    bamboo plates


    Having the center of attention on me during my Bridal shower this weekend haha I know I should just be excited for it but I’m slightly dreading the part about the whole day being about me. But Tommy gets to come with me and drop me off so at least I won’t be alone at the most awkward part!


    Learning how to be more social. I’m really struggling with the community part of being a Christian. My church does something called Community Groups and I have a really hard time getting myself to go to them. I’m hoping that I am able to find a more authentic way to have community with other Christians but in the mean time I want to open my new home to friends and family often.


    Even though I am nervous about the Bridal shower I am of course excited too. I’m excited to see how everything comes out and right afterwards I get to go on my Bachelorette weekend! I’m even more excited for that and seeing what my maid of honor has up her sleeve.

    I’m also excited that the weathers warming up. Nothing makes me happier than warm weather and summer. There’s this quite little park right by my work that I go to and sit in the sun when it’s nice out and I’ve been loving it.



    Tommy and I have been binge watching Grey’s Anatomy and we’re totally hooked! I’m so glad that there’s so many seasons and episodes left to watch!! (We just finished Season 2.)

    greys anatomy

    I finished When Sinners Say I Do FINALLY this month and that was really great and eye opening. That’s honestly the only book that I’ve read the past two months because I’ve been pretty busy. I really want to get back into reading as soon as we’re married though when I have more free time.


    Nothing haha still. I’m still not sure how to answer this one.


    Comfy clothes. Always. As soon as I get home I change into my sweats and a big t-shirt cause it is necessary.


    ATTENDING MY BRIDAL SHOWER AND BACHELORETTE WEEKEND WUUUUUT! Still can’t believe this is all happening. It’s seriously flyyyyying by.


    UM THE WEDDING IS NEXT MONTH I REPEAT THE WEDDING IS NEXT MONTH! Sorry for all the shouting but can you believe that?! I’m getting married in just 25 days. It still just doesn’t feel real.


    Not too much, I just changed my work hours this week though. I used to work 8:30-5:30 and let me tell you I dreaded getting home at 6 every night. I felt like I had no time at all to hang out or literally do anything. It basically felt like I got home, ate dinner, and then it was time for bed. I asked my boss if I could do 7:30-4:30 instead because it’s really flexible there and she approved it! And let me tell you I just love it. I’m really not a morning person but getting up that early and getting so much done all so early makes me feel so accomplished. Plus it feels like I have way more time at home to spend with Tommy so it’s a win all around.

    I’m linking up with Shay, Shaeffer, and Mel for What’s Up Wednesday!

    What’s up with you guys this week?

  • Life,  Wedding

    Life Lately

    It has almost been a whole month since I’ve shown up here and that makes my heart so sad. I’ve missed sharing my life with whoever may be reading along and let me tell you there has been a lot going on to write about. But that’s also the problem… there’s no time to write lol. So tonight I figure it has been long enough and I need to update you all on what’s going on!

    • So first things first – TOMMY AND I HAVE OUR OWN PLACE!! That’s honestly been the biggest reason why I haven’t had the time to blog. We moved in last Tuesday and I have been spending literally almost all of my waking moments (when I’m not at work or spending quality time with Tommy) working on making our apartment a home. I have to say to, I think I’ve done quite a good job with only being here for a week and a half. Here’s just a little bit of how it looks… I fully intend to do a home tour one day when it’s all finished though. I have absolutely loved reading others of those and decorating my own home has been some of the most fun I have ever had (but more on that later).

    • Second, we are exactly one month away from the wedding as of today!! I literally can’t believe that it’s almost here and I cannot wait. We only really have small things to pull together now but I only have three weekends before the wedding. Three. My feelings are literally all over the place. I just cannot wait to be Mrs. Zinhobl (insert heart eyes here) and get to relax on the beach with my new husband. Just 30 more days.
    • As I mentioned before I have been working on making our apartment our home and have absolutely loved doing DIY projects. I made the most adorable wreath for our door and Tommy and I are making a bookshelf which I’ll share once were done.

    Z wreath

    • I still intend to share our engagement pictures with you all. I’m working on finding a good time to blog. With my new job I’m working 9 hour days, which I am so not used to and it honestly drains me so by the time I get home all I want to do is relax on the couch. But I’m also hating not having any free time so I’m working on finding a time to do things for myself like blogging or reading. Once things aren’t so busy with the wedding and moving in and all that it should be easier. I woke up early to workout one day last week before work and it was really awesome. I plan to make better use of my mornings starting next week but that means I really need to start getting to bed earlier, which is difficult for me. I want to use mornings to blog as well. I want to keep this little space up to date with things that are going on in my life so I have it to look back on, especially in our first year of marriage.
    • So there’s a short recap of where I’m at. God is seriously so faithful and I am in awe of how perfectly He has orchestrated this all and I have never been happier in my life. I will leave you with another one of my favorites from our engagement session but I do promise that eventually I will do a post on them!!

    So tell me – what’s been going on in your life?? I’d honestly love to know!!