• Pregnancy

    First Trimester Recap: Weeks 3-13

    Hi friends. Today I wanted to share with you how my first trimester went with this pregnancy. Overall I would say it was a little bit easier than with Shane’s pregnancy. (Although I also had it easy with him when compared with how hard others have it.) I do not take this for granted and am so thankful for the blessing that this pregnancy and babe is.

    I thought it would be fun to just copy and paste how I’ve been tracking my symptoms. I’ve just been keeping little notes in my Notes app on my phone.

    Finding Out:

    But before we get into that I wanted to give a little bit of background. We were very fortunate to get pregnant very quickly. We had only been trying for one month. Since we were actively trying I started taking pregnancy tests very early on and found out at only 3 weeks, 4 days!

    Then I took these cheap pregnancy tests until I ran out of them lol. I took my first bump picture when I was ten weeks. It’s definitely true you show faster with your second.


    Inside my mind during the first trimester of pregnancy:

    3 weeks- a little more tired than usual. craving pizza and potatoes. sometimes feel like twinges of queasiness if I’m really hungry but nothing serious.
    4 weeks- craving salad?? Sent tommy out for a crispy chicken Cesar salad from BK. Feeling a little tired but able to push through if I have to. More hungry than usual.  Switched to decaf coffee for second cup
    5 weeks- had a few days where I was extremely tired but not debilitating every day. Not too many cravings this week. Nachos one night and Cesar salad again. Not any strong aversions which was weird because I had some last pregnancy. Still drinking coffee surprisingly as well. Dropped the second cup because decaf has tons of chemicals in it. A day or two I had a small cup in the morning so I could have another cup in the afternoon. Feeling relatively normal though. 
    6 weeks- very tired, slightly nauseous on day 1. 6.5 weeks super nauseous one morning. Had a really hard time sleeping a few nights and couldn’t stomach coffee. Next day feel a lot better though. Also taking naps almost every day. End of week felt relatively normal. Mild nausea but nothing crazy and wasn’t super tired. 
    7 weeks- first day or two felt pretty good. 7w2d woke up at night super nauseous and with a headache and couldn’t sleep. Had to eat goldfish and wait for nausea to pass before going back to sleep. Stopped drinking coffee this week. Was only drinking a couple sips anyway. 
    8 weeks- still exhausted. Craving French fries. Nothing tastes good though. Not even baked ziti. 8w4d- have been feeling relatively normal the past few days. Coffee hasn’t tasted terrible and I have had like no nausea. Belly hurts if I try to eat too much though and still not eating meat. Ultrasound went perfectly!! Baby measured right on track with a heart rate of 180! Had some gas pains and tummy issues. Some foods just really don’t taste great. Made cheesesteak quesadillas tonight and was able to eat it but it didn’t taste very good. Have still been tired but seems to be lessening a tiny bit but still am very unmotivated to do anything 
    9 weeks- first day super nauseas. Couldn’t eat much. 9w1d feel normal, sort of worried. 9w4d yesterday I felt completely normal, was able to drink coffee and this morning I also don’t feel pregnant. Hoping everything is okay. Still having terrible nursing aversion though. 9w5d occasionally still feel pregnant. Mostly just my belly feels off. Nothing really sounds that great to eat. My belly is getting bigger. Craving yellow starburst today?
    10 weeks- feeling more normal this week. Still taking naps though and have been feeling mostly unmotivated. Food aversions have been a lot less too. Starting trying to drink coffee but still not totally enjoying it
    11 weeks- almost normal but still feel unmotivated and tired a lot. Still taking some naps and sleeping a lot at night (9 hours). Still haven’t wanted to drink coffee really. Been drinking tea for the caffeine. Food is starting to taste more normal though. Having trouble drinking water still and my skin is super dry
    12 weeks- FINALLY FEEL NORMAL AGAIN. I woke up on the first day of 12 weeks and felt GREAT! I drank a cup of coffee and cleaned the house for the first time in forever. Day 2 of week 12, also drank a cup of coffee, enjoyed pasta and sauce, and chicken and broccoli, which are things that I haven’t enjoyed in a long time. I craved Chinese food on this day too so Tommy brought it home for lunch! Also had a craving for onion dip and chips and Tommy went out one night and bought me some. Took a few naps this week because I just couldn’t stay awake. But was able to consistently drink coffee each morning and even had a second cup one day.
    13 weeks- I’m only 13.2 but so far this week has been pretty mild still. I was a little more tired than usual but nothing crazy. Still drinking and loving my morning coffee again. Didn’t think that would happen. I have an appointment this week. I can’t wait to hear the heartbeat again. Ever since feeling more normal, I don’t feel like I’m pregnancy anymore. It feels super weird. Got super sick this week. Had a low fever for 24 hours. Took Tylenol twice to keep it down. Was scared something happened to the baby. Ended up being okay. Had my doctors appointment at 13.5 and heartbeat was 151! 💗 It made it feel more real and I’m actually going to allow myself to get excited. Haven’t had really any pregnancy symptoms this week because I’ve been so preoccupied with my cold symptoms which have been terrible. Shane’s 2nd birthday was this week and I weaned him completely off breastfeeding. The end of this week I’ve been having to wake up early morning to pee and have been having a hard time falling back asleep.

    So all in all, the first trimester wasn’t that bad at all. I’m very fortunate that Tommy comes home around lunchtime most days so I was able to take naps when I needed to. I also stopped waking up early and just woke up when Shane woke me up. I definitely was going to bed earlier than I normally did too. I couldn’t make it past ten, which is super rare for me.

    Now that I’m in the second trimester, I don’t feel pregnant at all anymore. It’s very nice to have my energy back and have motivation to get things done. But mostly I’m thankful for a healthy, growing babe. I’ll be back in about a month to do another update. Thanks for following along! 🙂

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    First Trimester Recap

    I want to be honest with you guys and say that I’ve wanted to write this post for a while now but it seems really impossible to try to recap the last three months all into one blog post. I feel like I probably am going to forget things that I want to include but I’m going to do my best!

    I just started my second trimester on Saturday so this is recapping weeks 5-13.

    I already included how we found out and how I told my husband in my last post, Frequently Asked Questions so check that out if you missed it and want to know the answers to those questions. This test above was actually the second test I took. After taking the first one we wanted to check again just to be sure and sure enough we got this “YES” from our second as well!


    Hmm this has been the hardest one to put into words. We found out I was pregnant exactly at our 5 week mark. For that next week I felt mostly fine. I was super tired and started not wanting coffee but other than that I was okay. Once I hit 6 weeks I wouldn’t say I really had much nausea but it’s really hard to explain how I was feeling. I had strong food aversions and just a general upset stomach for the most part. I drank ginger ale daily until probably about 8-9 weeks, which actually helped a ton.

    My biggest and most prominent symptom though was fatigue. All I ever had the energy to do was lay in bed all day. I rarely ever did anything productive and it was a rough adjustment. The good thing was that we were staying with my mom so there wasn’t as much to be done as if we still were living in our old apartment.

    Honestly other than that though the first trimester wasn’t too eventful for me. I always considered myself lucky because I knew that there were other women who were throwing up multiple times a day. I was just so happy not to be one of them. I did throw up once though around week 10 or 11. It was late at night and I think my dinner just didn’t sit right in my stomach. But like I said other than that it wasn’t too bad!

    Food Aversions:

    I really never wanted to eat meat especially chicken. There was actually chicken in the dinner that I ended up throwing up too funny enough. Every once in a while I could stomach some ground beef or steak but it usually had to be mixed with other things like tacos or something like that. I also really didn’t want coffee and barely drank it at all in my first trimester. I probably had about 5 cups total. This was the strangest thing to me because I am a die-hard coffee fan. It has been weird not craving it as usual.


    Everything carbs. I basically survived off of pasta. I already love pasta to begin with but oh my, pasta has been (and still is) my BFF the past couple of months. I also really loved mashed potatoes and really any kind of chips. Oh and of course french fries.


    My sleep has been rough ever since finding out. It’s been so hard to get comfortable, which I know is only going to get worse and worse as the weeks go by. I also have been having I guess some form of insomnia where I’ll wake up in the middle of the night either because I have to pee or just because and not be able to go back to sleep for an hour or two. That’s been pretty rough but it could also be worse so I’m not complaining!

    Weight Gain: 

    So far I’ve only gained about 2 pounds.

    Doctors Appointments: 

    We actually have had 3 ultrasounds already since we opted for the Nuchal Translucency test as well and it’s been so fun to have seen the baby so much already. We unfortunately won’t see the baby until week 20 (when we find out the gender!) and then maybe not again until the baby is born. The doctors appointments have gone really smoothly though and everything seems to be progressing just as it should. Thank God for a healthy babe!

    That’s really it! Those are the main things at least. Let me know if you have any more questions, I’d love to answer them. And just for fun, I’m going to include my first bump shot at 6 weeks even though there is absolutely nothing to see it in!

    I am planning on doing these update about once a week. I’d really love to do them every Monday since my weeks turn over on Saturdays but I’m a little worried I won’t have anything new to say each week so it might end up being every other week, but we’ll see! Thanks for following along on this exciting journey with us!