• Baby

    Shane Thomas: Eleven Months

    I can’t believe that my baby is almost one years old! I already miss little baby Shane! Let’s take a look back really quickly to see just how little he really was…

    Omg so small and precious!

    Okay, now back to Shane’s ELEVEN month update!

    What color are your baby’s eyes now? Hazel/Brownish. If you look closely, in the light they look hazel but if you look quickly they look brown.

    What makes your baby laugh? Shane is super silly and thinks it’s funny when he or someone around him sneezes. He also still loves when we try to “get” him. He laughs every time.

    What noises does your baby make? He “talks” all day. He makes a ton of noise and sounds while he’s playing.

    In what way is your baby moving? Shane finally started crawling with his belly off of the ground. He also started walking along furniture too!


    • 7:30am- Wake up + nurse
    • 8:30am- Eat breakfast
    • 9:30am- Nurse + naptime
    • 11:00-11:15am- Wake up + nurse
    • 12:30pm- Lunch time
    • 2:00pm- Nurse + naptime
    • 3:30pm- Wakeup + Snack
    • 5:00pm- Nurse
    • 6:30pm- Dinnertime
    • 8:00pm- Nurse + Bedtime
    • 10:00-10:30pm- Dreamfeed
    • 3:00am- Dreamfeed. (I am planning on dropping this dreamfeed around Shane’s first birthday. I am trying to make sure he gets enough milk, as I am attempting to wean him off of all of his formula.)

    What teeth does your baby have? Still only his bottom two. It looks like his top four are starting to come in though.

    He loooves his puppy!

    Favorite toy or Thing to Play with: The remote or anything that is not really a toy! 😉

    How is your baby sleeping at night? We finally moved Shane to his own room this month. It was a little bit sad for me. I’m actually still getting used to it. I loved having him right next to my bed. As I mentioned in my last update though, he wasn’t sleeping well at all and I was ready to try just about anything to get more sleep. Turns out he slept way better in his room so we’ve stuck to that. 

    What new tricks can your baby do? Shane started waving when someone says hi to him. I’m pretty sure he says hi back sometimes, but I’m still unsure because he won’t ever repeat me if I ask him to say hi.

    I can’t believe the next update will be his one year update! I wish he could stay this little forever!