• Faith

    Online Bible Study Sign Up

    Good morning friends 🙂 This weekend was a great one. Yesterday Tommy and I went to a marriage bible study at our new church and it was so awesome. We were so encouraged and finally felt like we fit in at church. We still have a long ways to go when it comes to making friends, but at least we know we’re on the right track!

    Online Bible Study

    I wanted to share what has been on my heart for a little while now. I really would love to start a bible study or just walk through a book with some other girls. I was thinking of a book that had participation questions at the end of it like Entrusted – A Study of 2 Timothy By Beth Moore. I just wanted to see if anyone was interested before I started it. If this is something that you would like to participate in, please “sign up” below by commenting that you would like to participate in this.

    I also want it to be an easy group to participate in. I will give everyone an email buddy that you can email back and forth together with, to hold you accountable, and just to have a friend to do a discussion with. Also, I will create a Facebook group for everyone so we can all chat together as well. 🙂

    Within a week or so I’m also going to be posting a poll on my blog’s Facebook page where you can vote on which book you’d like to read with the group. We’ll read through the one that gets the most votes. Also, if you have any suggestions for the book, please let me know! 🙂 Make sure to follow my Facebook page so you don’t miss the poll! You can find that here.

    In Case You Missed It…

    On Friday I posted twice (!) and shared a guest post from another site. So in case you missed that and are interested you can check that out here.

    \\How was your weekend friends?! I’m so excited to hopefully start the bible study!

  • Coffee Dates,  Faith,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 7

    Hi friends! I missed you yesterday! I think I’m going to write more in-depth about what I’ve been going through but the short version just in case you were wondering where I was, is that I basically just needed a day off. I have been feeling super anxious the past couple of weeks and have been really trying to trust God in the midst of it, which meant facing one of my biggest fears (more on that later). But I’m back today and so thankful because God showed up in a huge way and took away my anxieties! I missed our coffee date yesterday so I decided to have it today instead (because I just love coffee dates!). 🙂

    If we were having coffee, I would ask you how you are liking the snow! Here in the northeast, we are currently in the middle of a blizzard and it’s so bittersweet. I’m happy to have my husband home for the day, but so sad that it’s SNOWING. Spring is supposed to start next week!

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask you what your favorite coffee is lately (if you drink it). Or your favorite tea. I’m learning that I don’t love to keep drinking one type. Switching it up every so often really makes it taste soo much better. I’m currently drinking Chock Full O’Nuts K-Cups (affiliate) and it is just delicious!

    If we were having coffee, I would express that I’m just so thankful for the community of women who I’ve met through blogging. I used to always read other people’s blogs about how much they loved the blogging community and I’m only finally just starting to make friends and really meet people and it’s been so fun. Thank you for reading along and being so encouraging. I’m so grateful for you!

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m becoming more and more confident with my decision to quit my corporate job and be a stay-at-home wife/full-time blogger. It’s been a very rocky road, filled with awesome joys and confusing anxieties, but over the course of a few months I’m really getting settled in to this lifestyle and it really is a dream come true. I’d also ask what is your biggest dream that just feels too impossible to actually happen? That’s how this felt to me so I’d love to talk with you about what yours is.

    If we were having coffee, I’d ask you if you saw The Shack in theaters and ask what your thoughts were on it. My husband and I saw it last weekend and we absolutely loved it. I had read the book before, which actually was the beginning of my commitment to God, and it changed everything for me. If you’re struggling with trusting that God is good right now, go see it for sure! They did a great job on the movie and it is very similar to the book.

    If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my husband and I and my extended family are taking a trip down to Florida next month and are driving from New Jersey! I’d ask if you have any road tripping tips and if you have any summer travel plans planned yet. I’d love to hear and chat about where you’re planning on going this summer/spring! I love to talk vacation plans.

    Today I am linking up with Erin Salmon, where we have coffee every second Monday (or Tuesday) of every month. Come join in with us, we’d love to have you!

  • Coffee Dates,  Life

    Let’s Have Coffee | Vol. 6

    If we were having coffee, I would probably invite you over to my little apartment and brew some pour over coffee for you. It is my new favorite and I want to share all of the deliciousness with you, that is if you like coffee of course. (If not I would offer you some tea because I have lots of that too!)

    If we were having coffee, I would share with you that since our coffee date a few months ago where I shared how I thought this winter was going to be a tough one, I would say that it has been, but in ways that I hadn’t expected it to be. Isn’t that always how life is though?

    If we were having coffee, I would also say that I think spring is right around the corner and I just can’t wait to get outside and enjoy the warmth again. Ever since quitting my job to work from home, it has been tough to not really leave the house regularly. I’m thinking that once it gets warmer and I can go for walks or hikes that will help a bunch.

    If we were having coffee, I would ask you what’s going on in your life. How has the winter been? What’s new in your life?

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I just got my order of essential oils on Friday and am already in love with them. I’m still definitely in the process of learning all the different ways to use them but I find them so fascinating. Have you heard of essential oils? Do you use them? I’d love to hear how if you do.

    If we were having coffee, I would tell you that my husband and I just tried yoga for the first time yesterday. We did a 35 minute video off of YouTube and it was so much fun and so therapeutic. I feel like it’s the perfect way to workout for me. It isn’t too hard and it really makes you feel good afterwards, especially for me since I’m home not moving around most of the day so it really loosens up my muscles and feels great. If you have a desk job I would highly suggest you try it. My husband and I are doing a 30 day challenge. You can check it out here if you’re interested.

    If we were having coffee, I would ask you how you build real intentional community, whether that be online or offline. I am really struggling with getting really connected with other Christians and am also really shy so I am really struggling to put myself out there. My husband and I just switched churches to attend a smaller one in hopes that it will be easier to get really connected. I would love to hear how you build connections though because I need all the tips.

    If we were having coffee, I would just say thank you for spending time with me. I really needed a friend to just listen and be there for me. I can’t wait for next time!

    Today I am linking up with Erin Salmon, where we have coffee every second Monday of every month. Come join in with us, we’d love to have you!

  • Faith,  Life

    A New Start

    Hi friends. It’s been a while, I just wanted to drop in to explain why. When I first started this blog, I had NO idea where it would end up. I had no idea if I would write more than one post. I had no idea if anyone at all would read it or if I would get bored really quick and just never write again. This blog has already way surpassed my expectations for it. I started this blog because I started reading a few other lady’s blogs and slowly fell in love with the idea – the idea of sharing my life with others and giving advice to hopefully help a few other girls along the way and save them from the mistakes I’ve made.

    What I’ve slowly learned though is that blogging is such a huge community that I never knew existed and once I found out that this community of women were out there I put so much more pressure on myself. I would read other women’s blogs and feel that I needed to post as much as them, or on a specific schedule like them, or about a specific topic like them – well because I loved their blogs so if I wanted one just as great I should probably follow along in their footsteps right? What I’m learning is that the answer to that question is no. No I don’t have to follow along with others because even though I love reading what they’re doing doesn’t meant that I will love writing that way.

    Writing is such a new thing to me and I’m still developing my passion for it so I decided I really needed to stop putting so much pressure on myself to do it or I would completely lose interest in it. And that’s exactly what I was doing, I was putting so much pressure on doing as well as others and gaining followers and finding people who liked me that I forgot what I was here for in the first place.

    I desire for this place to be a place of encouragement, a place where you can come and hopefully through some amazing grace of God – get to know a little bit more about Jesus – and also maybe follow along with my life as well. I’d love to be your friend and follow along with your life too, even if you don’t have a blog (email me!). Jesus hasn’t let me forget about this little place though, even when I was putting so much pressure on myself, so I have a feeling that there’s a reason for that. I have such big hopes and dreams for this place. Just writing again now (even though I haven’t taken that long of a break) feels so refreshing. I’m so happy to be back. Jesus has also done some amazing things in my life in just this past week alone and I can’t wait to share! I feel like a new person.

    So all that to say I want to get back on track, and only write when I have words to say – when I have something meaningful to share. Not write when I feel like I have to or feel like I need a post like so and so’s. I want to be authentic and real and share my heart with you guys so in order to do that I need to take the pressure off and just be myself. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it but it’s okay if you don’t. I’m growing closer to Jesus along the way too so if that’s all that results from this page, that’s fine too.

    Hopefully you’ll stick around, I’d love to get to know you 🙂