• Life

    Hello Is This Thing On? — Blogging Update

    I don’t even know how to start this post! Yesterday I revamped my blog and realized that I have not really blogged much about anything other than pregnancy and having a baby in so long. Recently I’ve been thinking about this blog and have really been trying to decide what to do with it. At the very least I knew that I wanted to keep this blog up to continue documenting memories. I’ve just been debating about whether or not I’ve wanted to actually try to be more consistent or to just leave it here as a memory book.

    I’ve had a heart for blogging ever since I started back in 2015. This makes me really not want to give it up or to decide to only keep it as a memory book. Now that Shane is getting a little bit older, I have some more free time and I’d really like to devote some of it back into blogging.

    I’d like to better document our every day life and to connect with my readers a bit more. Also, I am thinking about renaming my blog so that it better represents my content. I’ve basically treated my blog as a lifestyle blog from the very beginning so I’d like to have a name that shows that. I still will be blogging about my faith too, but since that isn’t the only thing I blog about, I think a different name would be better suited.

    This post is all over the place, but that’s basically how my life is right now with an infant, haha! I’m also just still working out the details of this as well, but I wanted to write them down here in case anyone might still be reading this! 😉

    So to sum it all up, I want to be more consistent. I want to also have more intentionality here. I’m brainstorming some topics that I could write about more consistently and will be updating you guys along the way as I figure things out. I will definitely be continuing to write about Shane, my faith, and my marriage, but is there any topics that are interesting to you guys that you would like to see me write about? I’d love to hear from you!