• Baby,  Life

    Shane’s Birth Story

    Hi friends! I’m so excited to be sharing with you Shane’s birth story. They are probably my favorite blog posts to read so it’s kind of surreal to me that I’m actually writing my own. I’m a bit overwhelmed to be writing it to be honest and am not sure how much I’m going to remember. I had planned on taking notes while I was in labor but never actually did it so let’s see how this goes. 😉

    January 10, 2018 – My 40 Week Appointment

    Let’s start back at my 40 week prenatal appointment. At this point, on January 10th, I was 40 weeks and 4 days. I had not had any contractions at this point, besides the Braxton Hicks contractions that I had been having for months prior. I did have a bit of bloody show the week before, after my 39 week appointment because my OB had checked my cervix rather roughly, but nothing ever came of it.

    So at my 40 week appointment I knew my OB was going to talk induction and my plan was to put it off for as long as they would let me. I really didn’t want to get induced. I wasn’t sure whether or not I was going to be getting an epidural and I really didn’t want to have pitocin. So when my doctor suggested that we induce me the following night, my eyes got really big and I asked if we could wait any longer, haha! I was under the impression that they would induce me at 41 weeks. (I was told 7-10 days after your due date.) She said that we could wait until Sunday night, which would put me at 41 weeks and 1 day.

    January 10 2018 – Later That Night

    I still really didn’t want to be induced so I was praying hard that Shane would decide to make his appearance sometime before Sunday. This gave him four more days to come naturally. I am part of a Facebook group called Young Mom’s Club, where everyone uses it to chat about being a mom and get advice from one another. I decided to ask in there for ways to induce labor naturally. I got all kinds of advice – from having sex, to bouncing on a yoga ball, to eating different types of foods. I tried as many as I could and later that night before falling asleep, I had a feeling that labor was going to come sometime soon. I was feeling super crampy. Not contraction crampy, but definitely different and I kind of knew my body was up to something. I also started having more bloody show on this night and had a feeling this might mean something this time. I didn’t want to get my hopes up though so I didn’t dwell on it too much.

    January 11, 2018 – 9:00AM – 1:00PM

    I woke up the next morning kind of disappointed that I hadn’t gone into labor over night. (I always had the idea that I would go into labor in the middle of the night because after reading countless birth stories, it seemed like most people tended to go into labor overnight.) I had plans to just relax around the house, like usual, and take a trip to Target. I had some Christmas money that I wanted to spend and I figured walking around couldn’t hurt.

    I set out to Target to shop and while I was there I could have sworn I had a few contractions that were quite painful but at this point I still didn’t think much of it. I had no idea what a contraction felt like so I wasn’t sure if what I was feeling even was a contraction. I talked to a sales lady who asked when I was due and she jokingly said that I didn’t want my water to break in the store after hearing I was overdue. Around 12:30, after walking around for about an hour, I decided it was time to head home because Tommy would be home from work soon.

    January 11, 2018 – 1:00PM – 3:00PM

    I got home and took the dog out. While we were outside Tommy came home. We went inside, had some lunch and relaxed around the house again. I can’t remember if I had anymore random contractions at this point or not. If I did, it was only a few. During the few weeks leading up until Shane was born, Tommy and I had been watching a ton of Hulu. We were currently on a binge of watching Survivor so that’s what we did most of the afternoon.

    January 11, 2018 – 3:00PM – 5:00PM

    Right around 3PM (I think), I started having contractions. At this point I still didn’t know if they were contractions so I kind of ignored them. At some point though I started thinking that they actually could be contractions so I decided to download a contraction timer. The contractions were pretty inconsistent at first, but were around 10ish minutes apart. Still in denial, I mentioned to Tommy that I had downloaded a contraction timer but said it super calmly and he didn’t think much of it.

    After about an hour or two of these inconsistent and moderate contractions I actually started to believe that they actually could be contractions. I told Tommy that I was almost positive that I was having contractions and that we should probably eat something, just in case we had to go to the hospital. We debated on what we wanted to eat, me saying that we should order something and try to make it special because it could be the last meal just as the two of us. But as we were talking and trying to decide, my contractions started getting progressively more painful and I cared less and less about what we were going to eat.

    January 11, 2018 – 5:00PM – 7:00PM

    We finally just decided to get Burger King (lol) because it was quick and we definitely needed something quick. Tommy left to get the food and I decided to hop in the bath to see if the water would help at all. It didn’t so I didn’t stay in there very long, maybe 10 mins. Right when I got out Tommy came home with the food so we sat down to eat.

    Tommy prayed about having a smooth delivery and then we ate. I was in a decent amount of pain at this point and I only ate half of my sandwich and my fries. I kept timing my contractions, which were slowly getting to be about 5 mins apart. My doctor’s office told me to call when they were 5 mins apart, lasting a minute, for an hour. After dinner I decided to lay down and work through the contractions somewhere comfortable.

    Shortly after I noticed that it had been an hour that my contractions were 5 minutes apart, lasting for a minute and a half(!) so I called my OB office around 7 to tell them that I thought I was in labor.

    January 11, 2018 – 7:00PM – 9:00PM

    When I called the OB’s office they told me I could either come into the office and have them check me and see if I was progressing or I could head to the hospital since I was overdue anyway and they weren’t going to send me home. I decided to just go to the hospital because I was getting to be more and more uncomfortable and I wanted the option of getting pain medicine sooner rather than later.

    So we left for the hospital around 7:30PM. The car ride was a bit rough. My contractions started coming more quickly and it was super painful. We arrived at the hospital around 8 and they checked me in and got me all set up. This is the part of the story where everything becomes kind of blurry and I’m not quite sure on the timing but I’ll estimate for the rest of the story.

    January 11, 2018 – 9:00PM – 12:00AM

    Once they got us into the room and me into a hospital gown, my doctor came in to check to see how far I was. At this point I was about a 5 or 6! I was super excited that I was that far along because I had been afraid that I would get to the hospital and I’d only be a 1 or 2. They asked me if I was planning on getting an epidural and at this point I was leaning towards yes but still wasn’t 100% sure if I wanted it yet. My doctor offered to break my water, but everything was happening so quickly and I wasn’t ready yet so I told them to wait until I decided if I wanted an epidural first. I was really scared of how much more painful things were going to get once she did that. I’m really glad that I told her to wait, but it also sucked because she left to go home right after this.

    So like I mentioned, my doctor went home for the night and only was going to come back if I was about to have the baby. I’m honestly not sure at what time, but not too much longer (I think around 10PMish), I decided to get the epidural because I just didn’t want to deal with the pain anymore. I really wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it when it got worse. I think the worst part for me was that my contractions were so long. I was always under the impression that they would start off slower and build to be longer, but mine started out super long and just stayed the same length, which made them really hard to deal with.

    Getting the epidural wasn’t that bad at all. The worst part was having a contraction in the middle of it. The numbing needle didn’t really hurt too much either. I started feeling relief basically right away though, which was awesome. After I got it and Tommy came back in the room I told him that I felt like a person again, haha. Time started to really slow down at this point because I wasn’t so focused on just getting through the contractions (since I couldn’t feel them anymore). Around this time the nurse turned the lights down and told us to try to get some sleep. (LOL)

    January 12, 2018 – 12:00AM – 5:30AM

    Tommy and I laid down and tried to sleep, but I had no idea how I was supposed to sleep. I couldn’t move to get comfortable and I had a blood pressure cuff on that took my blood pressure at least 2 or 3 times an hour. Definitely not ideal conditions for sleeping. On top of that, my blood pressure kept dipping just slightly lower than normal so an alarm went off probably 3 times. Each time I had to call a nurse in and they would just turn it off.

    The nurse also checked me probably about 3 times during this time and I wasn’t really progressing much. She said my water was bulging every time though, but she wasn’t allowed to break it and my doctor wouldn’t be back until the morning. This was the most frustrating part because I felt like if my doctor had been there to break my water things would have picked up a lot quicker. I was so uncomfortable throughout the night and getting more and more tired, but wasn’t able to sleep. I was thankful that I really couldn’t feel contractions that much though. My legs were just so numb though and I couldn’t move my right one at all.

    January 12, 2018 – 5:30AM – 7:15AM

    At 5:30 my doctor came in and was able to finally break my water! I was so excited at this point because I was honestly so uncomfortable and so ready for it all to just be over. After she broke my water I started progressing further. I think at this point I was around 7 centimeters dilated.

    At around 6:45ish, the nurse came in and had me flip back and forth because she said my contractions were getting much stronger and were putting baby boy in stress. Every time after I would have a contraction, she would come back in and have me do the same thing – flip back and forth on my sides. He would always recover and be fine as soon as my contraction ended. My contractions were just so long and strong at this point.

    We did this for probably close to a half an hour because the doctor that was on call (who had broken my water) was actually delivering another baby so she couldn’t come in and decide what to do. They also had me use an oxygen mask towards the end while I was flipping back and forth. I actually wasn’t that worried because the nurse did a great job at reassuring me that everything was fine.

    January 12, 2018 – 7:15AM – 8:11AM

    A little after 7 the nurses and doctors switched and the new nurses kept up with the same routine of flipping me back and forth during each contraction until the doctor came in. Another doctor from my practice (the one I actually liked the best!) got there around 7:15 and checked me and I was at 9.5.

    She had me start practice pushing, while also trying to “stretch my cervix”. Without really saying much she just had me keep pushing with each contraction and not too long after I was at a 10. She left for a little bit and had the nurses and Tommy keep helping me push through each contraction.

    When she came back she told me that if I couldn’t get him out on my own she would have to help with the vacuum. I honestly only had been pushing for maybe 15-20 mins when she said this so I was a bit freaked out. I knew it was because of him being stressed though so I just focused on trying to figure out the best way to push.

    The doctor also mentioned that if this all didn’t work I would have to have a C-Section. Although this was true, I think she said it to motivate me to get him out sooner and honestly it worked. I wasn’t too freaked out and just kept trying to figure it out. I eventually did and kept pushing for about an hour.

    At 8:11 AM Shane Thomas Zinhobl was born and it was the greatest moment of my life. It was so surreal to actually get to feel him on the outside after him being inside for so long.

    January 12, 2018 – After Birth + Recovery

    This is getting quite long so I will try to wrap it up quickly. So for the first hour while holding him on my chest I was being stitched up. I had two first degree tears, but apparently one was in an odd place so it made it harder to stitch. This kind of sucked because I really wanted to try to get him to breastfeed but couldn’t because I was laying down and it was making it very difficult. He was doing so well though and was rooting around like crazy!

    Everything went so well and I eventually was done being stitched up. The only other thing that was not ideal was that my right leg (the one I literally couldn’t move) stayed numb for so long after they turned the epidural off. I eventually had to be moved to another room anyway instead of waiting until I could feel it again. It was only about an hour longer and I was able to feel it again, thank God lol.

    All in all, my labor and delivery went super smoothly and I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better. My breastfeeding journey started out super rocky and only got harder and harder. I am planning on doing a whole post about that as it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Things are getting so much better now though and we are so incredibly happy to have our boy home with us. He is the perfect addition to our little family. Thank you so much for reading this if you made it this far! 😉 This has been such a fun journey to share with you all!

  • Baby

    Baby Zin is finally here!

    Shane Thomas Zinhobl finally joined our family last Friday after being 6 days late. His birth went super smoothly and we are now settling into life at home with a newborn. It has been the best and hardest week of my life that’s for sure, but I couldn’t be more in love with this precious gift God has graced us with. We are so undeserving but so very thankful he is ours. We love you so Baby Shane.

    I really want to write his birth story and share it here, as that is one of my favorite posts to read. I honestly don’t know how many of the details I’m actually going to remember but look for that sometime within the next month or so. 😉


    Shane Thomas Zinhobl

    January 12, 2018

    8:11 AM

    7 pounds 1 ounce

    20 inches

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 37-39 Week Bumpdate

    Hey friends! I had a rare moment of actually really wanting to blog today so here I am. It’s been really hard to find the motivation amidst such a huge change in my life. I am technically 40 weeks pregnant as I write this, even though I’m not recapping this week, and we are still waiting for baby. I am only two days past my due date but we are hoping he’ll come soon. Please pray that I don’t have to be induced and that labor and delivery would go well. I am quite nervous about it. Thank you for all the support you guys give me as well. It means so much to me!

    Size of the Baby: At 39 weeks baby was the size of a pumpkin – about 7.23 pounds and 19.9 inches!

    Total Weight Gain: 32 pounds as of last Wednesday!

    Doctors Appointments: At my 36 week appointment I was tested for GBS and that came back negative, which I’m really happy about because I hate antibiotics.

    At my 39 week doctor’s appointment my doctor checked to see if I was dilated at all and I wasn’t. I also had this done at my 36 week appointment, which didn’t hurt at all but at the 39 week one it hurt so badly. I’m really hoping I go into labor before Wednesday so I don’t have to have that done again. 😵

    Symptoms: Nothing too much that’s new to be honest. I have had Braxton hicks contractions still, most of them coming at night but nothing to get crazy about. After my 39 week cervical check, I had a lot of them the next day and I could have sworn I had my bloody show, but now that it’s been 4 days I’m thinking it was only because of the cervical check and didn’t actually mean baby was coming.

    My hips have been really sore at night. Mostly early morning. I will wake up every hour or two after like 4 or 5 am and have to switch sides because they ache so badly.


    Stretch Marks: Nope!

    Nursery: I know I mentioned that I was going to do a nursery reveal and I really hate to be the blogger who says they will do something and then falls flat on their words. I still have every intention of sharing his nursery (and name!), I’m just not exactly sure when at this point. I want to say this week but it is baby week so I don’t want to make any promises! Even if I end up sharing his nursery after he’s born, I will definitely still be creating a post about it.

    Tommy is: patiently waiting for baby along side me.

    Best Moments: Probably Christmas. We had a great Christmas this year at my in-laws. They are all just as excited as we are to have this baby come. Tommy also made me this really thoughtful gift – a bulletin board of all of our special moments during this pregnancy. I love it so much.

    Looking Forward To: Baby Zin’s birth! I still am in shock that it is just around the corner to be honest.

    If you don’t already follow me on Instagram and don’t want to miss out on his birth announcement, then click here and wait patiently (or not so patiently if you’re like me) for when he’s born! I’ll definitely be updating over there first before I’ll get to show up here.

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 35 + 36 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends! Even though my picture might be technically 37 weeks, I’m here to update you on weeks 35 and 36 of this pregnancy. I cannot believe he will be here so soon. I CANNOT wait.

    Size of the Baby: At 36 weeks he was the size of a papaya – about 5.73 pounds and 18.7 inches.

    Total Weight Gain: Up exactly 30 pounds as of week 36!

    Symptoms: A definite increase in discharge. (TMI I know.) Also an increase in Braxton hicks contractions. I also get this feeling where it feels like my bladder is being pinched while I’m standing, I’m guessing from all the pressure, and that isn’t a nice feeling at all lol. My appetite picked up again around 36 weeks. Some days I feel ravenous, while others I’m okay eating just about as much as I was before I was pregnant it seems.

    Doctors Appointments: Starting at 36 weeks, I am now going to the doctor once a week! The way my doctor’s office works is they check to see if you are dilated each week when you come in. I know some people don’t like doing this because it technically doesn’t mean anything, but I really enjoy knowing if I’m dilated at all. At my 36 week appointment, my doctor’s words were “Not much going on there. Maybe a fingertip”. So I’m still excited that I’m just slightly dilated at all. I’m excited to be checked again this Wednesday and see if anything has changed.

    She also measured my fundal height, like they do at every appointment. I actually could feel that she did it differently than the other doctors I’ve been to before her (there are 4 in the office and this was the first time I was seeing this specific doctor). She sent me for a growth scan because my fundal height was 2 cm behind. To be honest with you, I really didn’t feel it was necessary, I’ve heard 2 cm is nothing to be behind and I could just feel she had measured me differently like I mentioned before, but I went anyway. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself just in case there was something wrong and I chose not to go.

    I went to the ultrasound yesterday and everything went well. Baby boy is measuring about 6 pounds 4 ounces and is in the 25th percentile! She said if I went another 2 weeks that he would be around 7 pounds when he was born.

    Movement: He really likes to throw me for a loop when it comes to movement. He has some days where he moves a ton during the day, then he has others where he doesn’t move too much at all. I also like the days when he’s moving a ton so I don’t have to worry. On the days where he doesn’t move a lot, if I eat or drink something sweet he always reacts to it so I don’t get too worried. It would be nice if he moved around a lot more on those days though so I don’t have to worry at all lol. I’m wondering if this means he’s going to be a pretty chill baby because I hear some babies move constantly in the womb and baby boy definitely is not one of those babies haha.

    Stretch Marks: Nope, still none so far! Everybody keeps telling me I’m so small for how far along I am though so maybe that’s why? I’m also still faithfully putting on my belly butter, which keeps my skin so soft.

    Nursery: Like I mentioned in my last update, we were very close to being done with the nursery. I am so excited to say we are done! I did buy a pattern to make a mobile, but honestly am not sure if that will get done before he is born. That’s okay though. I think I’m going to try to take pictures and share his nursery this week. I love it so much!

    Tommy is: excited to become a dad and feeling the weight of the responsibility that is very closely before us.

    Best Moments: When I was 35 weeks we went over to my in-laws for dinner and spent a lot of time talking about the baby. It was so much fun and everyone seems so excited for him to be here soon. Tommy’s brother and his wife had a fetal doppler and they suggested we try to get the baby’s heartbeat on it so we could all hear. Tommy used it and found the baby’s heartbeat and it was so much fun!

    Looking Forward To: Christmas! I would absolutely love for baby to be born before Christmas and for us to make it home from the hospital for Christmas but only if he’s ready of course. I’m not holding my breath for it but it would be so great. 🙂

  • Baby,  Pregnancy

    Baby Zin: 31-34 Week Bumpdate

    Hi friends. I am finally getting around to posting about my last 4 weeks of pregnancy! Thanks for all of the encouragement and for being patient with me. 🙂 It’s actually been harder to document the symptoms the further I get because they all kind of stay the same.

    Size of the Baby: At 34 weeks baby is the size of a Butternut Squash – about 17.7 inches and 4.63 pounds! I can’t believe how big he’s getting.

    Total Weight Gain: At my doctor’s appointment I weighed in at 130 – up 27 pounds. I’m still feeling really good about my weight gain. It’s really only going to my belly/hip area, which I am pretty happy about haha. I’m also happy because it’s been very gradual and not too uncomfortable.

    Gender: Still a sweet baby boy! 🙂

    Symptoms: Oh this is a fun one! I noticed I started getting a linea nigra at 31 weeks! I was so surprised because on my baby bump apps they said that you might start getting it at something like 14 weeks and I hadn’t noticed anything until 31 weeks so I thought that the time for that had passed. It’s still super light but it’s definitely there!

    I noticed around that same time that I started getting a lot more emotional as well and that still continues on until today for the most part. It’s nothing compared to the first trimester but since I’m also getting a lot more tired more easily, that mixed with so many changes so soon, sometimes I get a bit emotional. But that’s to be expected haha.

    I have been having Braxton hicks contractions as well. I usually get them most at night and they usually happen the most when I haven’t drank enough water that day. They aren’t anything to worry about though. I also noticed that if I don’t drink enough water, I wake up so much more overnight to drink water. It’s super interesting.

    I also get some indigestion every once in a while. It depends on what I’m eating and I’m starting to learn which foods cause it more than others. For some reason, I can’t really eat oatmeal. Oatmeal seems to give me the worst indigestion oddly enough. Frozen pizza also causes it (but not ordered pizza?) but that doesn’t stop me from eating it of course. 😉

    Movement: Baby is still moving around like usual, which is great. He will have some more active days than others but if I ever get worried that I haven’t felt him in a while if I drink something sweet and lay on my side he always wakes right up.

    Stretch Marks: Still none thankfully. I’ve been using Burt’s Bees Mama Belly Butter every night and it makes my skin so moisturized and soft. I still have 6 more weeks to go though so we will see!

    Nursery: When I was 31 weeks (right before our baby shower) we redid his closet to have better storage. The picture below was my inspiration. I can’t wait to show you guys how it came out. I love it.


    Also, we are just about done with his nursery! I just ordered a little nightstand for next to the glider, which should be here late this week/early next week. Once all of the finishing touches are put on, I will definitely be doing a nursery tour post and also a name reveal! 🙂 His name is up on the wall and our friends and families know his name so I might as well share with my blogging friends as well. I’m super excited for that post.

    Tommy is: Working hard and extra saving up money for the baby. Also working hard at home trying to get the house baby ready! He’s the greatest. 🙂

    Best Moments: We took a childbirth class and the hospital tour over the course of these 4 weeks. I loved them both. I became more empowered during the childbirth class that my body is able to do this and I don’t need to be afraid. We learned some helpful tips and positions and I’m really glad we went.

    The hospital tour was equally exciting because it really helped me feel prepared. I usually get anxiety when I don’t know what to expect in a situation so being about to see exactly where we have to go and the room where I will give birth in helped calm me down a lot. It also made it a lot more real.

    Looking Forward To: Just being that much more closer to meeting our sweet baby. I dream about him every night and I cannot wait until he’s here!

  • Life

    Life Lately

    Hi friends. I just wanted to drop by and share that I am still here and still pregnant. I have completely dropped the ball on the pregnancy updates as you probably know. I have been keeping track of my symptoms in my journal as I’ve been doing most of my pregnancy but have completely stopped taking bump shots. I honestly just cannot seem to remember to take them.

    Just to be completely transparent with you guys, most days I don’t get out of my pajamas. I don’t have many clothes that still fit me and since I am not working before the baby comes this seems to be okay. I have a few outfits that I wear when we go to the doctors or church, but that’s really the only places I’ve been going lately lol. When I do actually get dressed, I always forget to take a picture before changing back into my pajamas.

    Anyway, now that I spent half this blog post explaining my pajama situation haha but that explains where the pregnancy updates have gone. I plan to take a bump shot tomorrow when I get dressed for my 34 week doctor’s appointment and will update you guys on how weeks 30-34 have been. (Everything is still going well so I am very thankful.)

    In other news, blogging is something that I seem to think about multiple times a week but then it seems to always be pushed to the back-burner. I am in full-on baby preparation mode and it seems to be just about all I think about. (Just ask my husband! 😉 ) I think that might be part of why I haven’t had the motivation to blog much too. I feel like once I have the baby there is going to be so much to write about because I am so much better at writing about things once I’ve already gone through them. Being in the middle of such a life changing event is all-consuming and super hard to really put into words how I’m feeling about it.

    I also really want to write a blog post about how the past year has been because we are creeping in on me having been a stay-at-home wife for almost one whole year. I’m just not sure if I can completely put into words how this past year has affected me. I still feel like I am somewhat in the middle of it and won’t be able to really form my opinions on it until I am not longer a stay-at-home wife and am a stay-at-home mom. I just can’t believe that everything is going to change so much so soon. I’m a little bit scared but mostly just so incredibly excited.

    Welp I think that’s just about enough rambling for today. I haven’t written a completely random post like this in a while and I hope you guys don’t mind. I’ve just been thinking about this space a lot and wanted to drop in and let you guys know what’s been going on. Look for a post soon about the last month of my pregnancy if that’s something you’re interested in. I am determined to get that one up this week! Thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far!