• Baby,  Life

    Baby’s First Beach Day!

    On Saturday we had our first family beach day! It was honestly so much fun. We are even debating on going back this weekend because we had so much fun. Not to mention we want to soak up all of the good weather before it starts getting too cold.

    We decided to leave around Shane’s first nap time so that hopefully he would sleep all of the way down. It was about a 1.5 hour drive to not too bad. This part of our trip was the only time we had a bump in the road. We had to stop for breakfast and the food store for lunch. My plan was to nurse Shane in the car after we ran those errands so that he would go right to sleep.

    Shane had other plans though, ha! He was way to distracted to nurse so after trying for a little while I just gave up and decided I would just have to stop on the way at a rest stop and nurse him then. So we left and this did not make Shane happy one bit. He had a breakdown because he was so tired and didn’t want to sleep. We had to pull off an exit on the highway and I had to nurse him in a random parking lot lol. He fell asleep right after and I put him in his car seat and off we went!

    He did end up sleeping all the way down though so that was great. We ended up getting there around noon, which wasn’t too bad. We decided to walk the boardwalk for a bit, then head to the beach.

    We spent most of our day on the beach and we got to put Shane’s toes in the water and sand and see how he liked it. He was having such a good time! It made Tommy and I so happy to see how much he was enjoying our favorite place.

    We even got him to take a nap on the beach, which was the cutest thing ever.

    After spending most of the day at the beach we decided to pack up and go for one last walk before leaving.

    We left around 6 and made it home by 7:45. It was such a fun little successful getaway. I’m so glad we had the time to do this as a family!

  • Life

    Hello Is This Thing On? — Blogging Update

    I don’t even know how to start this post! Yesterday I revamped my blog and realized that I have not really blogged much about anything other than pregnancy and having a baby in so long. Recently I’ve been thinking about this blog and have really been trying to decide what to do with it. At the very least I knew that I wanted to keep this blog up to continue documenting memories. I’ve just been debating about whether or not I’ve wanted to actually try to be more consistent or to just leave it here as a memory book.

    I’ve had a heart for blogging ever since I started back in 2015. This makes me really not want to give it up or to decide to only keep it as a memory book. Now that Shane is getting a little bit older, I have some more free time and I’d really like to devote some of it back into blogging.

    I’d like to better document our every day life and to connect with my readers a bit more. Also, I am thinking about renaming my blog so that it better represents my content. I’ve basically treated my blog as a lifestyle blog from the very beginning so I’d like to have a name that shows that. I still will be blogging about my faith too, but since that isn’t the only thing I blog about, I think a different name would be better suited.

    This post is all over the place, but that’s basically how my life is right now with an infant, haha! I’m also just still working out the details of this as well, but I wanted to write them down here in case anyone might still be reading this! 😉

    So to sum it all up, I want to be more consistent. I want to also have more intentionality here. I’m brainstorming some topics that I could write about more consistently and will be updating you guys along the way as I figure things out. I will definitely be continuing to write about Shane, my faith, and my marriage, but is there any topics that are interesting to you guys that you would like to see me write about? I’d love to hear from you!

  • Baby

    Shane Thomas: Seven Months

    Okay so Shane officially turns eight months old tomorrow so uh this is a little bit late. Oops. Better late than never though I guess. I did update in his baby book and take pictures on time so at least the information is on time. 😉

    I am going to be using the information that I recorded in Shane’s baby book for this update.

    STATS: I don’t know exactly how much Shane weighs but I know he’s growing right on track still because I weigh him every once in a while and keep track of how much he’s gaining.

    Shane laughs when… when we act like we are going to “get him”. He gets slightly scared and laughs so much. He’s also quite ticklish so he laughs when we tickle him as well.

    Sleep + Schedule: His sleep and schedule is just about the same as last month. If you missed that post, you can check it out here. The only difference is that he has dropped a nap and also a bottle. He generally only naps twice a day and takes three 2 ounce bottles of formula.

    What do people point out about your baby? How happy he is, how big his eyes are, and how much he looks like his daddy.

    Us at Lake George 🙂

    New Trips We’ve Taken: We took our first family vacation to Lake George this month! Traveling with a baby is quite the experience though. Shane did great on the car rides both to and from Lake George. (It takes about 3 hours to get there.) Although it’s quite interesting taking care of him when we aren’t at home.

    Does your baby have any teeth? Nope, still nothing!

    Solids: Shane still absolutely love eating. He’s had many new foods this month although I don’t know exactly which ones because I haven’t been keeping track.

    That’s all for this month! Check back soon though because his 8 month update should be up shortly. This next month was a big one!

  • Baby

    Shane Thomas: Six Months

    Welp guys I’ve dropped the ball this month on blogging. Something I have not blogged about yet is that Tommy and I are starting our own furniture business through Etsy. This is honestly the reason that blogging has been taking a backseat. We are trying hard to get the shop up and running as fast as possible so every bit of free time I’ve had has been working towards that.

    To be honest for the first time ever, I’ve reconsidered if I even wanted to keep blogging, but for now I definitely want to. Even if that means for a while that I am only about to get one or two posts up a month. I think eventually I will be able to blog more often – when Shane doesn’t need me quite so much.

    Anyways, speaking of Shane, let’s jump right into his update! Oh and also, I decided to change up the format of these updates. That was another reason why I haven’t blogged, the format I was using I didn’t like so it made me not really want to do these updates. I have been filling out a baby book for him so I am going to use that as a format for these as well.

    STATS: At Shane’s six month doctor’s appointment he weighed 14 pounds 10 ounces (5%). He was 26 inches tall (20%) and his head size was 16.5 inches (11%). He’s just a little guy like his daddy and I.

    New Foods: oatmeal, strawberries, and sweet potatoes

    How does your baby like solid foods? Shane looooves eating solids. He particularly likes eating sweet foods, like most babies I believe. It’s been really fun feeding him new foods and seeing his reaction to them.

    Sleep: Shane has always been a decent sleeper. This month he has started wanting to stay up and play for an hour or two in the middle of the night, which has not been fun. 😅(Only on some nights, thank God!)

    Does your baby sleep through the night? I have been avoiding this question on the blog (and in real life if I’m being honest) because I may be one of the only parents who doesn’t want Shane to sleep through the night. Say whaaat?! I KNOW. But there is good reason for it. So Shane is mostly breastfed, but also gets about 6-8 ounces of formula a day. If I cut out his nighttime feed then he would need about 4-6 more ounces of formula a day, which honestly is totally fine. But my goal has been to provide as much of his daily milk as I can so that means I will dreamfeed him in the middle of the night so that he can get that extra amount of breastmilk. I know there many be some people who won’t understand this but then again I know that there will be some people who will. It’s just personally a sacrifice I do not mind doing for Shane and I actually love that I am able to do, so for now it works for us.

    DAILY SCHEDULE (24hr: food + naps):

    • 8:30-9:30am: Wake up, nurse, take the dog out, play while mommy eats her breakfast.
    • 10-11am: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, nap
    • 12-1pm: Wake up + nurse + 1-2 oz of solids sometime before next nap
    • 2-3pm: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, nap
    • 4-5pm: Wake up + nurse
    • 6-6:30pm: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, nap
    • 6:30-7pm: Wake up + 1-2 oz of solids sometime before bed
    • 8:30pm: Nurse, 2 oz bottle of formula, down for the night
    • 12:30-1:30am: Nurse + back to sleep
    • 4:30-5:30am: Nurse + back to sleep (sometimes right away, sometimes it takes about an hour)

    Just keep in mind this is a pretty rough schedule. Sometimes Shane doesn’t want to take his last nap, sometimes we are very busy and only get around to giving him solids once a day, sometimes he only takes an hour and a half nap. But for the most part this is the schedule we follow most days.

    Does your baby have any teeth? Nope! Still waiting on our teeth, which is A-Okay with mommy. 😉

    LOVES: His puppy, being in water, his mommy, and eating!

    Describe your baby’s temperament and disposition: Shane is such a happy baby! But he also knows what he wants and definitely lets us know what that is too.

    Favorite toys this month: This turtle toy, Skip Hop activity table, + this teether. (affiliate links)

    That’s all for this month friends! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  • Baby

    Shane Thomas: Five Months

    It’s about time for Shane’s five month update! (Since we’re two weeks late 😅.) This month everything finally seems to feel even more normal. Let’s jump right in!

    Size: I do weigh Shane at home but I don’t have his exact weight for when he turned five months old. He is still in 3-6 month clothes and moved up to size 3 diapers.


    Sleep: Shane is a pretty decent sleeper. He takes 3 naps during the day and wakes up around 1:30-2:30am and again around 5:30-6:30am. During his first two naps he usually wakes up halfway through and we have to rock him back to sleep but he will usually sleep for about 1.5-2 hours. His last nap of the day is usually around 20-30mins.


    Loves: Mommy and daddy, playtime, his puppy, and being held in his carrier on mommy.


    Hates: Being tired


    • We have lots of fun milestones from this past month! We went on our first plane right this month to Florida to visit my grandparents. Shane did so well on the plane both times and also did well while in Florida. His sleep was a bit disrupted but nothing too terrible. He got to meet my grandparents for the first time and it was so special! I was going to just add the pictures for the trip into this months recap but I was just looking through them and decided I’m just going to do a separate post on our trip since I have more pictures than I thought!
    • We also started solids this month! So far Shane has tried bananas and avocado and I can’t tell if he loves them or not haha. He doesn’t show too much of a reaction but he does keep opening his mouth for more so it seems like he likes them. It’s been so fun to feed him and I can’t wait to keep introducing new foods to him!

    So that’s about it for this month! I cannot believe how much he’s grown! Where did my baby go?!

  • Life

    Currently, June 2018

    Two blog posts in one week?! Who even am I? Things feel like they are starting to finally be easier and Shane has been napping for longer stretches so I’m truly hoping to be able to blog more consistently. Let’s see what we’ve been up to recently, shall we?

    There are affiliate links in this post.

    T R A V E L I N G

    We just came home from a week in Florida to visit my grandparents. It was the first time they met Shane and it was so special. It went pretty well, although it was quite exhausting traveling with a baby. The picture above is us in the airport. Having Shane in that carrier was awesome for navigating the airport. He did so great!

    G R I L L I N G

    We actually just got a grill for the first time this year and we have been using it a bunch. I’ve made this salad a couple of times recently and it is amazing. It’s perfect for lunches or sides for dinner. We’ve also been eating way too many cheeseburgers since the weather has warmed up. Definitely need to take a break from eating those for a while!

    E X P L O R I N G

    We just explored the Blue Springs State Park in Orange City, Florida. We also went there last year and had the most fun. The park is home to manatees during certain times of year. When we were in Florida last April we got the chance to boat with them (pictured above)! It was one of the coolest things. Unfortunately though this year it was too late in the season so we just walked around the park instead.

    P L A N T I N G

    We haven’t gotten to it yet, but I mentioned to Tommy that I’d like to plant a little garden in our front yard this year. If you have any tips for me, send them my way! I’ve never really planted a garden before but am looking forward to it this year.

    P L A Y I N G


    Board games! While we were in Florida we picked up the games Risk and Scattergories and had a lot of fun playing those at my grandparents house. My favorite is definitely Risk. Definitely check that one out if you are looking for a new board game to play. It’s definitely pricey, but worth it in my opinion.

    So that’s a little bit of what we’ve been up to the past month. What have you been up to? I’d love to hear from you!

    Linking up with Anne and Owen.

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